Alessandro Borghese Reveals the Most Annoying Thing About “4 Ristoranti”

Alessandro Borghese Reveals the Most Annoying Thing About “4 Ristoranti”
Alessandro Borghese Reveals the Most Annoying Thing About “4 Ristoranti”

Alessandro Borghese guest of “Tintoria”, the podcast by and with Stefano Rapone and Daniele Tinti, co-produced by The Comedy Club and distributed by OnePodcast. Talking with the two hosts, big fans of the chef, Borghese made some unpublished revelations about the program 4 Ristoranti. And so the “secret” of the “freeze” is revealed, when the shot freezes and the chef points out some mistake: “The “freeze” it works that they have to stop. I say “freeze” and everyone sitting has to stay still, like 1 2 3 star. I have the camera and so I turn around and say: “I may still be old fashioned but, in my opinion, the wine should be poured first for the ladies and then for the boys.” As soon as I see some bullshit, I call the “freeze”, like those who open bottles as if it were always New Year’s Eve: it’s something I hate. Furthermore, the waiter who poured it first for me, instead of for the lady next to me, must remain there while he is sipping it. Then at a certain point we start and everyone has to move. The waiter glares at me, then goes over and the restaurant owner screws him. For the series: “As soon as Borghese arrived, a freeze because of you?”.

Read also: Alessandro Borghese: “After an episode of 4 restaurants I ran away to vomit”

Finally Borghese also talks about the problems with his figure during the recording of the episodes: “Well, I’m fat and thin because I’m neither fat nor thin, so I don’t have all this problem. Beyond that, I can’t pretend to eat, also because it’s a responsibility: you’re dealing with people who have made so many sacrifices. You have to take the human aspect into account too: you can’t ruin, say, 20 years of activity”.

Read also: Alessandro Borghese, a shock: “Who closed after 4 restaurants. And why”

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