Fedez makes peace with Codacons, the photo with Carlo Rienzi that no one expected – DiLei

Fedez makes peace with Codacons, the photo with Carlo Rienzi that no one expected – DiLei
Fedez makes peace with Codacons, the photo with Carlo Rienzi that no one expected – DiLei

They clashed, in and out of court, many times. The dispute between Fedez and the Codacons has been known for a long time, but when it comes to protecting the good of the workers there are no antipathies that matter. And so, the rapper from Rozzano found himself in Taranto together with President Carlo Rienzi – who for the occasion wore a t-shirt with a print dedicated to his (former) number one enemy – and appears with him in a truly unexpected photo on Instagram. And who would have thought? Just a few weeks ago, the artist of Sex Shop emerged triumphantly from the classrooms of Piazzale Clodio with a request for no place to proceed relating to one of the complaints presented by the Association. Today, after a short time, those frictions seem to belong to the past.

Fedez, the photo of peace with Carlo Rienzi

“It is disconcerting that in 2024, in a country like Italy, there are scenarios in which we must choose between the right to work and your health. It would be interesting to generate a discussion, including understanding whether a part of the Pnrr funds could be destined for redevelopment worthy of the name of the former Ilva because to date, in my opinion, the necessary investments have not been made. They also told me about piles of asbestos still there, it is a dystopian scenario”, said Fedez in Taranto, where she met for a joint initiative with the President of Codacons Carlo Rienzi in support of Ilva workers.

Peace made and for a just cause, we could add: there is one to sign it photo that no one would have imagined, at least until a few weeks ago, that Federico Lucia is wearing the Codacons shirt and Carlo Rienzi the one with his name indicated in large letters. A step that is certainly important and which tells a lot about the artist’s future intentions, determined to leave the past behind and start again from completely different assumptions from those that have guided him up to this moment.

The objectives of the initiative

“Codacons and I, simply, sat down at a table, determined to end this dispute which would have led fundamentally to nothing and we decided to seal this peace trying to shine a spotlight on this problem that needs to be spread and echoed. Our idea is to try to use the media wave of our meeting as a vehicle fighting a common battle. On the side there is also one of mine donation to the pediatric oncohaematology department of the Taranto hospital, but is not part of the project. During Vita natural we will try to raise the topic as high as possible to ensure that it is talked about”, specified the artist, who also clarified his position regarding the charitable donations made in the past.

“No courts or regulatory bodies has ever contested the activity, and the money was actually donated. It seems quite clear to me what they are trying to do, that is, rummage through all my charitable activities trying to find nitpicks,” he retorted, responding to those who accuse him of being less than transparent. On the Pandoro case, however, he responded without going into too much detail about the matters which are still in the hands of the Prosecutor’s Office.

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