Eleonora Giorgi and her ex-husband Massimo Ciavarro together again in the hardest moment – DiLei

Eleonora Giorgi and her ex-husband Massimo Ciavarro together again in the hardest moment – DiLei
Eleonora Giorgi and her ex-husband Massimo Ciavarro together again in the hardest moment – DiLei

Friends see each other in times of need, ex-husbands less so, but there are exceptions. Distant for decades now Eleonora Giorgi and Massimo Ciavarro they had not remained on good terms following the divorce, despite sharing a beautiful nephew who was recently born. The actor, however, did not hesitate for a second in the face of the illness of the woman who was the love of his life and returned, despite everything, to be close to her in the most difficult moment.

Eleonora Giorgi, those close to her during her illness

The actress Eleonora Giorgi, 70, announced at the end of last year that she was suffering from pancreatic cancer. After a cycle of chemotherapy, Giorgi underwent surgery to remove the tumor. It happened at the end of March and the actress was not alone. In addition to her beloved children Andrea Rizzoli and Paolo Ciavarro, a man from her past also arrived, one of her greatest loves, albeit long ago.

“With this tumor story – he said as a guest at the David di Donatello – what happened was that Ciavarro, a basic and very reserved man, decided to run to Rome to be by my side. The night I had the surgery he wanted to sleep with me, to relieve the boys. After years of silence this ex-husband shows me a deep love.” An unexpected surprise because, since the divorce in 1996, despite having a child and a grandchild in common, the two had no longer had a relationship.

Interviewed by the newspaper New, the actress recently added: “Massimo’s generosity was truly touching. In the past I have called him a bear because he is reserved and with age he has become very closed. He is a basic but very serious and reliable man. And he was unexpectedly present. He stayed in hospital for three days.” Days of great complicity Eleonora reveals: “When Massimo came to me there was no agreement to be found again because we are the same as 30 years ago! The true test of great relationships is that you can drift apart for a long time, but when you come back to talk to each other, it’s as if you broke up the day before.”

Finally, Giorgi reveals a moment of great tenderness: “To give me strength, Massimo made a beautiful gesture: after the diagnostic exam he welcomed me with a small bouquet of daisies collected in the meadow near the hospital. I put it in a sachet, let it dry and have it on my bedside table. I missed him over these ten years and it was very painful, however, I always respected his choice. For me he is a wonderful man, what he has done in recent months was not obvious.”

The love story with Massimo Ciavarro

Eleonora Giorgi, icon of Italian cinema, and Massimo Ciavarro met on set. That of Sea flavor 2from 1983. At the time she, already quite famous, was in the sights of the press due to her recent divorce from Angelo Rizzoli and, in order not to add further fuel to the fire, she chose to live the new love in secret. Eleonora and Massimo fled to the countryside and lived away from prying eyes for a couple of years.

Finally, they return to acting, but continue to maintain great secrecy about their story. Paolo, their first and only child, was born in 1991. In 1993, ten years after their first meeting, the two got married, once again in great secrecy. And with the same reserve, without any fanfare, in 1996, they announced their divorce. The marriage is over, but the affection remains.

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