Codegoni-Basciano, social uproar against Antonella Fiordelisi

There is no peace for the couple Sophie Codegoni and Alessandro Basciano. A social uproar breaks out for the DJ’s birthday: the videos of the party announce a new crisis in the couple, but what causes more discussion is an unexpected presence. This time, in fact, in the storm that shakes the two, once again, another ex appears gieffina: Antonella Fiordelisi. But what happened that once again put the fans of the golden couple from Big Brother in turmoil and then protagonists of a sensational back and forth that seems to have no end? And what does Antonella Fiordelisi have to do with it?

Codegoni and Basciano together again: the shot that made fans dream

Fans of the Codegoni and Basciano couple had recently returned to rejoice over the newfound love between the two who, only last May 12th, were immortalized celebrating the first year of life of the their little Cèline, just like a beautiful young united family. She, Cèline, their one-year-old daughter, was the fruit of a love born within the four walls + cameras of Big Brother which made many fans dream until the sensational breakup which saw Sophie Codegoni and Alessandro Basciano launch very serious accusations at each other through the press, or rather through numerous, highly followed and much talked about, episodes of very true. A relationship that no longer seemed recoverable, also because it had also involved the families of the two, who were themselves protagonists of controversial statements via social media.

The public shot on the occasion of little Celine’s birthday seemed to be the best confirmation of the latest rumors, that is, that the two had become closer to the point of getting back together, and not only for the good of their daughter.

Sophie Cordegoni’s fans furious with Antonella Fiordelisi

A few days after that image of serenity, however, another storm overwhelms the influencer and the DJ. In fact, on Saturday 1 June, Basciano celebrated his 35th birthday but Sophie Codegoni did not attend the evening, celebrated in a well-known venue in Milano Marittima. In the videos of the party, however, the attentive eye of the fans did not miss the presence of the influencer from Campania Atonella Fiordelisi, fresh from the adventure on the dragon’s route, as a competitor in the latest edition of Beijing Express. A presence, that of the influencer at Basciano’s party, judged by many to be “inappropriate”, as Fiordelisi has always declared herself a friend of Sophie and Codegoni’s absence, in the eyes of the followers, can have only one meaning: for the couple Codegoni-Basciano is, once again, stormy weather.

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