IMU 2024, amount overpaid? How to request a refund and get all the money back

IMU 2024, amount overpaid? How to request a refund and get all the money back
IMU 2024, amount overpaid? How to request a refund and get all the money back

The Municipal Property Tax (IMU) represents one of the main expenditure items for property owners in Italy.

However, it is not uncommon for situations to arise in which the taxpayer is led to pay an amount greater than that due. FortunatelyItalian legislation provides for the possibility of requesting the IMU reimbursement for the year 2024, following a well-defined procedure and respecting certain deadlines.

The right to IMU reimbursement can arise from various circumstances. Among these we find calculation errors due to incorrect cadastral data or the application of incorrect rates. Furthermore, if you are entitled to exemptions that were not applied at the time of payment, such as in the case of the main residence or for properties declared uninhabitable, it is possible to request a refund of the entire amount paid. Finally, a recent ruling has extended the right to reimbursement also to owners of illegally occupied properties.

Procedure for requesting a refund

To start the procedure for requesting the IMU 2024 refund, you must first verify the existence of the error and then adequately prepare the necessary documentation. You can use a form provided by the Municipality or write a request on plain paper specifying the details of your situation and attaching the receipts of the payments made. and any other document useful to demonstrate your right to reimbursement. The documentation must be presented to the competent Municipality within five years from the date of the erroneous payment.

Once the documentation is received, the Municipality has 180 days to examine the application and provide a response to the request for reimbursement. In the absence of communications within this period, it is possible to send a reminder via registered mail with return receipt or certified email.

Imu when to ask for a refund (

To facilitate the bureaucratic process and increase the chances of success of your request, it is advisable to carefully keep all documentation relating to payments made and communications with the competent authorities. If you have any doubts or difficulties in completing the application, it may be useful to contact a professional such as an accountant or a tax consultant who can offer qualified assistance.

Requesting the IMU refund for the year 2024 may seem like a complex process but by carefully following the steps provided by the current legislation and arming yourself with the necessary patience while waiting for the bureaucratic deadlines, it will be possible to obtain what is due and fully exercise your rights as taxpayers.

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