Flurry of tax deadlines, what must be paid by Monday

AGI – Last hours to settle accounts with the Tax Office. Tomorrow is the last day to pay in a lump sum or as a first installmentIrpef, Ires and Irap of the annual declarations, as the balance for 2023 and the first advance payment for 2024, without an increase. From ‘calendar’ the term is today but, being Sunday, it is postponed by a day. However, late taxpayers will be able to pay their taxes until July 31st by paying an increase of 0.40 percent as interest.

Last call also for the Imu declaration given that also in this case this year the ordinary deadline falls today, on Sunday. By tomorrow, property owners for whom significant changes have occurred for the calculation of the tax, unknown to the Municipality, will have to send the appropriate form. Taxpayers who must pay the first installment or the sole solution of the regional additional income tax and the municipal additional income tax resulting from the annual declarations will also be called to the cash register, as the balance for 2023 and the first advance payment for 2024. both without surcharge. Also expiring dry coupon on rent, to be paid as the 2023 balance and the 2024 first advance payment.

Furthermore, VAT taxpayers will have to pay the VAT balance for 2023. The payment of the substitute tax to recalculate the purchase value of building and agricultural land and of the shares owned as of January 1, 2024 is also due. Last call, again tomorrow, for residents in Italy who have real estate or financial assets abroad, required to pay, respectively, Ivie, the tax on real estate abroad, and Ivafe, the tax on financial assets held abroad. The same deadline for the annual communication to the Tax Registry, which real estate agents or managers of online portals are required to provide, of data on short-term rentals such as the name, surname and tax code of the lessor, duration of the contract, amount of the gross consideration and address of the property.

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