the searches are still unsuccessful

Still without results, for now, the research continue all night long Giacomo Bozzoli, 39 years old, condemned definitively to thelife imprisonment late Monday afternoon in Cassation per the murder of uncle Mario. Nine years after the events.

Il Giacomo Bozzoli’s name has been entered into the database of law enforcement agencies at a national level so that he can be stopped if he is found in hotels, airports, ports and tourist areas.

The insertion after Giacomo Bozzoli was not found in his home in Soiano del Garda immediately after the Supreme Court ruling. At this time his wife and little son are also untraceable.: all of them – according to what the neighbors said – had not been there for at least ten days.

His lawyers are hiding behind a no comment while his father Adelio, present at the Court of Cassation in Rome and who had explained that his son was waiting for the outcome of the trial at home, is no longer answering the phone.

Around 8pm on Monday night, Giacomo Bozzoli was not in his house on the Brescia shore of Lake Garda where he is listed as resident. The Carabinieri confirmed this when they showed up at the house but found no one a few hours after the Supreme Court’s ruling.

It cannot be ruled out that it was a moment of confusioncombined with the desire to “enjoy” the last hours of freedom. And that therefore he may decide to turn himself in soon, but as the hours pass the investigators are also considering other possibilities, such as trying to leave the country and seek refuge abroad.

The final sentence: life imprisonment for the murder of his uncle

Just before 6:00 PM on Monday, the verdict arrived. Destined to change his life, after nine years of accusations – but also of freedom. The first section of the Court of Cassation – president Giuseppe Santalucia – confirmed, making it definitive, life imprisonment for Giacomo Bozzoli: 40 years next July 19th, he was convicted in the first, second and now third degree for aggravated murder and the destruction of the body of his uncle Mario, 52 years old, who disappeared on the evening of 8 October 2015 from the family foundry in Marcheno, which he ran with his brother and nephews.

In Rome, Giacomo was not in court. His father Adelio was present, having always attended the first and second degree hearings, maintaining his son’s innocence.

Who in turn has always maintained that he had not committed any crime: for the Brescia judges, however, he allegedly killed with the collaboration of the workers Beppe Ghirardini and Oscar Maggi.

The accusation and the plan told to the ex

The deputy attorney general in the Supreme Court, Assunta Cocomello, had requested confirmation of the life sentence against Giacomo. According to the prosecution, in terms of legitimacy, there is no violation of the law in the double conforming sentence of conviction against the defendant, just as there would be no defects in the motivations, either from a formal or logical point of view.

That he is responsible, according to the pg, is confirmed a series of evidence already examined not in a superficial way, as the cameras inside the foundry that would have been moved ad hoc before the crime so as not to immortalise it; the 39-year-old’s return to the company, on the evening of 8 October 2015, ten minutes after his exit (he remained there for another ten minutes) which he himself explained would depend on a change in production to be imparted: senseless for the prosecution according to which, rather, Giacomo Bozzoli would have returned to the foundry to finish the work of hiding the body or erase tracks.

Finally, the “stubborn and uncontrollable” hatred towards his uncle – “guilty in his opinion both of profiting from the company and of hindering his entrepreneurial projects” wrote the judges of Brescia – which he would not have hidden from acquaintances and from theex-girlfriend (to whom he had confided a plan to kill him years earlier)heard in the courtroom in the first instance.

The defence

Eleven reasons written down in black and white in 145 pages: so the appeal filed by the defense – represented in Rome by Giacomo’s historic lawyer, Luigi Frattini, and by professor Franco Coppi – aimed to obtain the annulment of the conviction:

«Although it is evident in our opinion that Giacomo Bozzoli is innocent, we cannot fail to note that the sentences» in the assize and appeal courts «are based on the failure to comply with procedural rules provided for under penalty of absolute inadmissibility and which therefore entail the nullity of such sentences».

First, one charge changed during the proceedings (Giacomo was first accused of having killed his uncle alone and transported his body out of the company, then of having done so in collaboration with the two workers, except for destroying his body in the large oven), such as to violate the right of defense.

In his speech, Professor Coppi highlighted, unlike the deputy attorney general, how the double sentence against the defendant could be a mistake: double. “The accusation against Giacomo is full of ambiguities” that would not have been unraveled during the trials, he said.

The second investigation and the suicide of one of the other two accused

According to the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Brescia, “the murder was committed in a restricted spatial and temporal context in which, in addition to the accused, only Giuseppe Ghirardini and Oscar Maggi».

Between 7.15pm (after Mario called his wife Irene) and 7.18pm (when the accident occurred) the “anomalous smoke” at the large oven, where according to the judges his body was thrown).

The first, Ghirardini, who worked at the large oven, committed suicide in Valcamonica six days after the disappearance of his boss..

The investigations against the second, Oscar Maggi, have been closed: the Brescia Public Prosecutor’s Office will request the referral to trial for complicity in murder after the referral of the proceedings.

From Alex Bozzoli, Giacomo’s brother, and another worker, Aboyage «Abu» Akwasi, instead answer false testimony: they would have lied “to keep Mario away from the oven at the time of smoking” and to favor Giacomo.

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NEXT Bozzoli Murder, Father-in-law’s Appeal to Giacomo: ‘Turn Yourself In’