Ecobonus 2024, the funds for electric cars sold out in a few hours. Federauto warns: «Late and temporary measure»

Ecobonus 2024, the funds for electric cars sold out in a few hours. Federauto warns: «Late and temporary measure»
Ecobonus 2024, the funds for electric cars sold out in a few hours. Federauto warns: «Late and temporary measure»

The car market in Italy is declining: this is demonstrated by a comparison between this year’s data and that of the same month in 2023, which revealed a 6.6% decline in registrations. To impact the market, remember the Sole24Ore, it was also the “waiting effect” with respect to the new incentives, which became operational today, 3 June. And already finished: in less than nine hours from the opening of the Mimit Ecobonus platform, the over 200 million euros designed as resources available for booking incentives on electric cars have been exhausted.

«It’s a success»

“The government’s incentive campaign in favor of electric cars is a success, which, contrary to what had happened in the past, is seeing great public interest for the first time,” he commented, speaking to theHandle the president of the Promotor Study Center, Gian Primo Quagliano. While the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso commented: «With this incentive plan we support families in purchasing an eco-friendly car by renewing the car fleet and at the same time stimulating national production. It is an Italy Plan, for families and for Italian work.”

Federauto’s concerns

Massimo Artusi, president of Federauto, the federation of car dealers, instead commented on the further decline in the car market in May: «It was expected due to the prolonged wait, over six months, for the ecobonus for the purchase of low-cost vehicles. low emissions”. «But – he points out – this does not mean it can be considered a satisfactory figure, given that the differential remains high both from the same month of last year and from the same period of 2019 and that the electric and plug-in segment has undergone a clear contraction that distances the objectives of the path towards the green transition”.

«Temporary measures»

«From today – adds Artusi – with the opening of the platform for booking ecobonus incentives there will certainly be a recovery in sales, which we hope will correspond to the objectives set by the government. But we cannot fail to reiterate that with temporary measures like the one underway today, limited to the current year, and without an overall vision and perspective, it will be difficult for these objectives to be achieved and consolidated over time, as a transition strategy would require that wants to be truly effective.

And again: «Alongside these measures, an overall reform of car taxation is necessary, in particular regarding VAT and taxation of benefits. Without which the incentive measures become episodic or scattered interventions and in any case destined to stop sooner or later. Resources cannot simply be subtracted from the Automotive Fund as happened with the recent Cohesion Decree, without inserting the measure into an overall context of actions planned over time”.

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