in Gavoi also Gino Cecchetin with his book “Dear Giulia” La Nuova Sardegna

in Gavoi also Gino Cecchetin with his book “Dear Giulia” La Nuova Sardegna
in Gavoi also Gino Cecchetin with his book “Dear Giulia” La Nuova Sardegna

Gavoi From 4 to 7 July in Gavoi (NU) the XVIII edition of the Literary Festival of Sardinia L’Isola delle Storie will take place, promoted and curated by the Association L’Isola delle Storie and dedicated this year to three friends of the festival who recently passed away: Daniela Zedda, Michela Murgia e Enrico Lai.

After a two-year wait, one of the most beloved literary festivals is back, a point of reference for lovers of books and ideas, an oasis of culture immersed in the heart of Sardinia. The program will open on Thursday 4 July starting at 6:30 pm with the inauguration of the scheduled exhibitions and from 9:30 pm with the official opening of the festival and the long-awaited return of Concert for Europethe artistic residency project born in 2012 from the collaboration with foreign cultural institutes in Italy – Slovak Institute in Rome, Polish Institute in Rome, Austrian Cultural Forum Rome, Czech Center in Rome – with the patronage of EUNIC, European Union National Institutes for Culture, which every year invites a group of people to Gavoi for a week-long residency international musicians that give life to a original music productiona multi-voiced story that captures the synergies created between artists, the place and the community that hosts them. These are the musicians invited for 2024 Nikolaj Nikitin (saxophone), Miroslav Hloucal (trumpet), Patrick the Drummer (drums), Nenad Vasilić (double bass). For Italy the singer will be present Francesca Corriaswhile the special guest of this edition will be the Ukrainian pianist Yuri Seredin.

The program of meetings will start on Friday first of all with the much-loved morning meetings Dal Balcone di S’Antana’E Susu, this year dedicated to women’s universes and conducted by the journalist and writer Elvira Seraa long-time friend of the festival.

From Friday to Sunday they will look out from the balcony with her: the writer from the Marche Giulia Baldelli with his second book The words you left me (Guanda 2024), a powerful and touching story, in its narration as in its writing, Milena And recently returned to bookstores with Notte di vento che passa (Mondadori 2024), a coming-of-age novel about Sardinia and the dreams of a teenager, and, finally, Nicoletta Vernaauthor of the recent and highly appreciated I giorni di vetro (Einaudi 2024), a journey into the female universe of Redenta and Iris, a story of resistance and salvation

The Orizzonti cycle in the children’s space will host over the three days: David Meloni in dialogue with the writer Sarah Savioli, Alberto Emiletti of Internazionale Kids in dialogue with Gianumberto Accinellientomologist and writer, and again Davide Meloni with the illustrator Andrea Antinori.

Then the traditional will return High Noon space in Piazza Sant’Antriocu where we will talk about some of the big issues at the centre of contemporary debate: gender, rights, violence against women, but also geopolitics and artificial intelligence. We will start Friday 5 July con World disorder in which the philosopher Andrea Colamedici – with Maura Gancitano popularizer of the contemporary world and founder of TLON permanent school of philosophy and imagination with a following of hundreds of thousands of users – will talk with the journalist Witold Szabłowski author of the report How to Feed a Dictator (Keller 2023), Manlio Graziaor geopolitical analyst recently in bookstores with World Disorder. Because we live in an era of growing chaos (Mondadori 2024), and the Internazionale journalist, Annalisa Camilli, expert on Italian current affairs, in particular immigration. The meeting is organized in collaboration with the Polish Institute Rome.

Saturday 6 instead, it will be the meeting Dear Giuliacreated in collaboration with Entula Festival Letterario Diffuso and hosted by Maura Gancitano, will host Gino Cecchettinfather of Giulia Cecchetin and author of the book that gives the title to the meeting (Rizzoli publisher 2024), and Lorenzo Gasparrinifeminist philosopher, recently published a new edition of her book Why Feminism Is Also Useful for Men (Eris 2024).

Sunday 7th, finallywe will talk about The challenge Artificial intelligence and creativity with Stefano Bartezzaghi beloved puzzler and essayist, among the most important scholars in the field of word games, humor and creativity, recently in bookstores with Chi vince non sa cosa si perde.

The list of all the will follow appointments with writers

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