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“My ‘Cat’ Censored in China, Quoted by Obama and Bill Gates”

“My ‘Cat’ Censored in China, Quoted by Obama and Bill Gates”
“My ‘Cat’ Censored in China, Quoted by Obama and Bill Gates”

“I decided to kill Schrodinger’s cat“. The feline star of “TV movies, movies, printed on mugs and t-shirts, yet loved by former US President Barack Obama and Bill Gates e ‘censored’ in China although my book has been very celebrated. At the last Beijing Book Fair there were over 100 thousand people, I signed more than 500 copies”. Gabriella Greison, physicist, writer, theatre actress, playwright, science communicator, journalist and TV host speaks all’Adnkronos of his adventure in the land of Chinese where he presented one of his latest works ‘I will kill Schorodinger’s cat’ (Mondadori edition).

“Written after the pandemic, my intent – he confessed – was to create something that had the scent of rebirth, to tell a story of resurrection. Like ‘Schrodinger’s cat’, protagonist of the Nobel Prize for Physics Erwin Schrödinger’s experiment, we too were alive and dead, at the same time, inside a metaphorical box. The experiment became an interesting metaphor for living. It was appropriated by Bill Gates and former President Obama Bianca simply said in her inaugural speech, ‘the politician can be like Schrodinger’s cat until the voter gives you power’.”

Enthusiastic about her trip to China, Gabriella Greison then added: “my book was translated by a large Chinese publishing house, I had an amazing welcome, they treated me like a great writer, I got to know a country that was open and interested in of everything that ‘lives’ outside its borders’. I certainly didn’t expect the ‘censorship’ of a part of the book when I talk about the virus that started from China or the Dalai Lama visiting CERN, the largest laboratory in the world. of particle physics on the border between France and Switzerland. China remains a great, great country – continued Gabriella Greison – They are building a particle accelerator that will be 100 kilometers long, they want to beat CERN in Geneva for them. There is no doubt that they are at the forefront of everything.”

“I tell physics through stories, I emulate the great storytellers of the theater, from Marco Paolini to Ascanio Celestini”

No fear of being attacked by animal rights activists for ‘killing a cat’, even if literary? “No, no attack at the moment – replied Gabriella Greison – My cat does not exist, it is imaginary, a mental experiment, it only exists in the laboratory of our brain, it is one of those experiments that has crossed the boundaries of science, nobody after all think of a real cat.”

Theater, cinema, essays, books, live entertainment. Scientific dissemination is changing in our country too, the relationship with the public makes the subject less difficult. “I created my own way of telling physics through stories – he explained -. I followed the great storytellers, from Marco Paolini to Ascanio Celestini, I tried to emulate them. I ‘fish’ my stories from the 20th century. Stories of scientists who created our future, from Marie Curie to Enrico Fermi, we are in the second quantum revolution that is upsetting our lives. Not an easy path, mine – he confessed – The stereotype of the scientific disseminator until some time ago was different. Male, aged and possibly always in front of a blackboard”.

A summer of dreams and projects yet to be realized for Gabriella Greison. “It’s true – he confirmed – There are still many dreams to come true, many stories to tell. My summer tour has begun, 40 dates in the space of two months, not only in Italy. And after the trip to China I dream of tour the United States like America’s biggest rock stars.”

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