The book that explains the Piazza Loggia massacre to children arrives at the Quirinale

The book that explains the Piazza Loggia massacre to children arrives at the Quirinale
The book that explains the Piazza Loggia massacre to children arrives at the Quirinale

When there is good in people’s intentions, the messages they want to convey can reach anywhere. Even up to the Quirinale.

This is what happened to the titled volume «The bells of the city»created to explain to the little ones the Piazza Loggia massacre of 28 May 1974. The creators are three teachers: Alessandra Spreaficothe author; Francesca Drogothe translator into Caa e language Daniela Corvothe illustrator.

The cover of the work created by the three teachers

The peculiarity of the work is that of being an “inbook”, a book written with symbolswhich in this case are those of Alternative Augmentative Communication (CAA), a language that facilitates reading for people who struggle with the letters of the alphabet or who are learning Italian.

Between the pages

The project was created by the teachers in 2020 in the midst of the pandemic, to explain to the students and in particular to a boy who had difficulty reading, the meaning of the day dedicated to the memory of the Loggia massacre.

This yearon the occasion of the 50th anniversary, the volume has been updated with new illustrations handmade and with the addition of statements by councilors Frattini, Muchetti and a professor from the «House of Memory». Text which, in May, was distributed to all city schools.

In Rome

«I admit that for the 50th anniversary of the massacre I sent two copies of the new edition of the inbook and a letter with our motivations to the Quirinale – explains Alessandra Spreafico -. Yesterday, around lunchtime, I received a phone call from Rome and I thought it was a call center. Instead it was the secretariat of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarellawho knew the details of the book and who wanted to compliment us on behalf of the president for the initiative and for the idea he had with the Caa language”.

And he concludes: «The phone call didn’t last long, I was really surprised. After sharing thoughts on the importance of transmitting certain messages to the younger population, they wished me a good summer and we started.”

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