“A coffee with Alda Merini”, Margherita Caravello presents her book

Vitorchiano – Appointment on Sunday 23 June as part of the Peperino in fiore event


Vitorchiano – We receive and publish – Sunday 23 June 2024 in Vitorchiano, as part of the Peperino in Fiore event, Margherita Caravello presents her book “A coffee with Alda Merini: the beginning of the story”. Appointment at 7pm in the council room of the Municipality.

The text is almost a biography of the “poet of the Navigli” before she became universally celebrated and tells the beginning of the story of this furious little bee, in her discovery of herself as a poet and woman struggling with social resistance, the misunderstanding of her family, the disastrous first loves.

Journalist Paola Maruzzi moderates the meeting. Readings by Sylvia Milton, accompanied by music by Andrea Abbadia (baritone sax) and Lorenzo Francioli (keyboards). Part of the proceeds from the sale of the books will be donated to the Penelope anti-violence center of the Kyanos association.

Margherita Caravello, graduated in Theater and Performing Arts from the La Sapienza University of Rome (2010) and in Cognitive Sciences of Communication and Action from the University of Roma Tre (2023), works mainly in the theatrical field, covering various roles, from stage to production. Specifically, you have dealt with authors such as Federico Garcia Lorca, Oscar Wilde, Luis Sepùlveda, Alda Merini.

Since 2018, for four years of national tour, he has curated the production of the show “God will arrive at dawn” written by Antonio Nobili in homage to Alda Merini. In 2021 he published the book “Investigation of Alda Merini: she was never a tamable woman” and in the following season he debuted the theater show of the same name in which he shares the stage with Giorgia Trasselli directed by Antonio Nobili, for three years tour. In 2022, “A coffee with Alda Merini: the beginning of the story” debuted, this time first in the form of a show.

The event takes place under the patronage of the Municipality of Vitorchiano, the media partnership of the newspaper TusciaUp and the support of the local sponsors Farmacia Ricci-Mari, Hot Shot Bar, Mojito Caffè and Cabi Cartongesso.

Free entry while places last.

Municipality of Vitorchiano

June 17, 2024

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