“Trame”, the Festival of books on the mafia, returns to Lamezia Terme

“Trame”, the Festival of books on the mafia, returns to Lamezia Terme
“Trame”, the Festival of books on the mafia, returns to Lamezia Terme

“Today we must always talk about the mafia because the problem perhaps exists more than yesterday. The forms and methods with which the mafias control the territory have changed, but the problem remains. Fortunately, the season of massacres is behind us, but this does not mean that the mafias are less dangerous. In fact, we can say that they continue to have a central role.” Thus Nuccio Iovene, president of the “Trame Foundation”, presenting the thirteenth edition of the “Festival of books on the mafia”, scheduled in Lamezia Terme from 18 to 23 June.

“Limes magazine, just yesterday – added Iovene – has published two recently updated maps on the influence of the mafias, and in particular the ‘ndrangheta, in Italy and around the world. Maps that show exactly how things are in terms of both the pervasiveness and the weight that the ‘Ndrangheta has compared to other mafias.”

The title of this year’s edition of “Trame” is “A futuro memoria”. The artistic director, Giovanni Tizian, participated in the presentation of the program, which took place at Palazzo Nicotera, via video link. He spoke of “an event with many new features”, also underlining “the important cultural new features, the musical events and the theatrical performances of this edition, with themes – said Tizian – apparently unrelated but in reality closely connected to the mafia problem”.

Among the guests announced at the event are the Prosecutor of the Republic of Naples, Nicola Gratteri; the Undersecretary of the Interior, Wanda Ferro; the president of the Region, Roberto Occhiuto, and Don Luigi Ciotti, founder of “Libera”.

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