Stuck on the Books flies high: Serena Dandini opens, then many big names from Cazzullo to the imbecility of Ferraris

FERMO – Fermo sui Libri, now a well-known review of literature, poetry, philosophy, non-fiction, music and arts, in its ninth edition, opens the dance on Friday 14 June at 9.15 pm in the splendid setting of Piazza Del Popolo. The exhibition is promoted by the Culture Department of the Municipality of Fermo, by the Romolo Spezioli Library with the collaboration of the Giambattista Pergolesi Conservatory of Fermo and the contribution of numerous private sponsors. The brilliant and ironic author and television presenter Serena Dandini will inaugurate the beginning of a journey that will continue until August 7th. Following the common thread of the event, this year dedicated to Exempla, he will propose his intense reflection entitled, The Revenge of the Muses.

Serena Dandini, Italian author and television presenter, of noble origins, attended the “La Sapienza” University of Rome after graduating from high school. You began your career in the world of entertainment as an author of Rai, television and radio programmes. Her comic talent emerged when, at the end of the 1980s, she was co-founder of the satirical program La TV delle donne (which launched comic actresses such as S. Guzzanti and F. Reggiani); the proven trio then brought on stage other successful programs: Sorry for the interruption (1990), Avanzi (1991-93) and Tunnel (1994). Among the television programs hosted are: Pippo Chennedy Show (1997), The eighth nano (2001), Arms stolen from agriculture (2003). She is co-author and host of Talk to Me. In 2012 she published the collection of short stories Grazie per questo volta. Confessions of a defective woman, her second literary experience after the success of Nothing is born from diamonds (2011).

Among his most recent publications are Il futuro di una volta (2015), We will always have Paris (2016), The catalog of valiant women (2018), The Führer’s tub (2020), Chronicles from paradise (2022) and Revenge of the muses (2023).

In Fermo sui Libri he brings a very timely intervention on the Muses and the phenomenon of music. “The muses are necessary. But if at the dawn of civilization poets invoked goddesses to be inspired, with the passing of time the role of muse was entrusted to mortals. Loved, desired, abandoned, idolized, portrayed in magnificent canvases, sung in unforgettable verses, but always as – wonderful – objects, whose human dimension could be serenely overlooked. Instead they were women in flesh and blood, with dreams, passions, impulses and life, so much life”.

Serena Dandini decides to turn her gaze on them and, in the manner of Copernicus, carries out a revolution, putting the muse back at the center of her universe, finally no longer an object but a subject of her own destiny.
Free and free entry.
For info: 3384162283

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