the teachers cut the texts. Price increases of up to 75 euros more than the ceilings established by the Ministry

the teachers cut the texts. Price increases of up to 75 euros more than the ceilings established by the Ministry
the teachers cut the texts. Price increases of up to 75 euros more than the ceilings established by the Ministry

TREVISO – The total bill also comes to exceed 360 euros. That is, even 75 euros more compared to the spending ceiling dictated by the ministry. They will have to manage to get their families out in view of September to buy all the books needed for their children who attend school.Giorgi-Fermi institute of Treviso. A bloodletting. Many schools have decided to “cut” some texts precisely to avoid exceeding the spending limits. Nobody is hiding: the limits have not been updated for over ten years and in the meantime the price of books has gradually increased, last year alone by 10%.

Dear books, the ruse

Hence the stratagem adopted by various institutions in the Marche, from middle school to high school: indicate some books as not obligatory but simply as recommended, at least on paper. It was primarily those who paid the price volumes of physical education and religion. But not only. Texts such as English grammar, an anthology of Italian literature, epics, civil codes for schools and those of computer science, graphics, political economics and art history have also become optional. The boundaries are clear after all. According to those set by the ministry, families should not be called to spend more than 294 euros for the first year of middle school, 117 for the second year and 132 for the third year, to then continue with 320 euros for the first year of science, 304 for the applied sciences option and so on. It goes without saying that it is not always possible to respect such outdated limits. A tolerance of 10% is expected. And generally all schools try not to stray too far.

The data goes against the trend

The Giorgi-Fermi of Treviso, led by principal Giuliana Milana, has instead chosen to continue even beyond the 10% threshold. The confirmation comes from new book list of texts adopted or recommended for the next school year. The average expenditure per capita for the purchase of books for the premiere of the Fermi itis, for example, stands at almost 363 euros. Practically 75 euros more than the maximum spending limit, in this case equal to 288 euros. Among other things, the latter is reduced by 10% because a mixed mode is foreseen: paper books And digital media integrative. It should be an opportunity. On balance, however, it does nothing but further reduce a limit that is already tight. Things become more complex with the three-year specializations. To buy books for the third health biotechnology an average of 352 euros are needed. Almost 74 more than the limit. With 288 euros, the chemistry and materials direction remains within the 10% tolerance. In some classes of the mechanics and mechatronics course the cost exceeds 43.50 euros (296 euros against the limit of 253 euros). Even on the Giorgi front, the overrun exceeds 75 euros. This is, for example, the case of the first dental technician course. The 317 euros of average spending on books goes well beyond the limit set at 242 euros. In the industry and crafts sector, Made in Italy is over 50 euros. Which becomes 60 in the field of maintenance and technical assistance. And so on. On a general level, however, more and more families are looking for alternative solutions, in addition to any book bonuses that are assigned by some Municipalities based on the ISEE. Starting with used books: from actual markets to sharing on online platforms. To date there are not many other alternatives.


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