the best students of Casarsa were awarded

Making secondary school girls and boys fall in love with reading by allowing them to “transform” their favorite books into artistic and multimedia works. This is the intent of the “The books we love” competition organized for the second year by the Pier Paolo Pasolini Comprehensive Institute of Casarsa della Delizia with the collaboration of the Nico Naldini Civic Library and the municipal administration of Casarsa della Delizia. The awards ceremony took place in the library on June 3rd.

“I congratulate these kids for the care, creativity and beauty of the works they presented – declared Education Councilor Cristina Gallo -. As an administration, together with the Mayor, we are really happy to be able to support initiatives dedicated to the importance of reading because, as Emily Dickinson wrote, “to travel far, there is no better ship than a book”: and seeing the beautiful works presented , it was truly a journey full of emotions.”

“Given the extremely high quality of all the creative works created by the students – added the librarian Maria Rosa Stefanon – this is why, this year, in addition to the three winning works, we also wanted to add some recommendations for worthy projects”. “In all these works – underlined Matteo Giuliani, professor responsible for the project for the Fermi lower secondary school – we felt the enthusiasm, the desire to do from our children: they are beautiful works that we would like to be able to be explained and shown to all my classmates to make other girls and boys fall in love with reading too.”

We then moved on to the actual award ceremony with the reading of the motivations and the explanation, by the authors themselves, of their creative works, for which different techniques were used. Three winners. Ludovica Gardin won with the book The Secret Garden with the motivation: “a delicate and poetic interpretation of a masterpiece of children’s literature”. The work, starting from an old book, recreates a small flower garden. Greta Runco with the book My neighbor Totoro for “the detailed and detailed work for a book, which is also and above all a milestone in the animated film”.

The work illustrates the main characters of Miyazaki’s story on a poster. Adele Francescutti with the book The Fall of the Patriarchate won for “the elegant video, technically impeccable, which effectively presents a graphic novel of great social relevance”. The trailer tells in just a few minutes the story of sexism, the struggle and resistance of women and wants to pay homage to the feminists who have changed the history of the world but who are often forgotten. Special mentions are added to the winners: Omar Morassutti, with the book Let me go, which reproduced the sea and a small whale carved in wood. , Priscilla Achempong Mensah, Fatima Amadu, Emma Cappellari and Faouzia Gnegne, with the book Diary of Anne Frank who created a tree (like the one Anne Frank looked at from her refuge) remembering among the branches the names of all the wars currently underway course and finally Marta Mia and Noemi Morassutti with the book The little girl with the suitcase, who reproduced the suitcase symbol of the Julian Dalmatian exodus so as not to forget the drama of the foibe. As a prize, everyone will receive the Clandestine Readers shirt, the reading group for young people at the Casarsese Library. The competition, now in its second edition, will be held again next school year.

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