Stefano Da Empoli | The ChatGPT Economy. Between false fears and real risks

3 min

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The enormous media hype caused by the launch of ChatGPT and continued with the release of other products capable of generating texts, images, videos and codes in just a few seconds has brought artificial intelligence back to the center of the conversation after a period of obscurity. When someone was already talking about a new winter of AI, after the unfulfilled promises of the last decade, here comes generative AI on our devices with solutions that sometimes rant and often speak banalities, but which certainly respond to a mix of content sophistication and stylistic, speed of execution and ease of use unprecedented in human history. The book narrates this revolution and its possible economic implications in the coming years and decades. With benefits that could be enormous if we know how to avoid some mistakes, the first of which is to fear that in the future machines will become like human beings or, on the contrary, deify them, elevating them to a pedestal that is unattainable for us. In both cases we would give up the only correct vision, that of an AI at the service of the human species because it is capable of complementing it rather than replacing it. For this reason, leaving science fiction aside, we need to focus on the real risks of today, from the potential loss of jobs to violations of privacy, from the dangers for democracy to the enormously refined and unlimited scale possibilities of deception against states, businesses and unsuspecting citizens. Without forgetting the challenges to intellectual property as we have known it so far. With the hope that Europe and Italy aspire to play a role, focusing on investments and not just on rules.


“Between the lines” is the column dedicated to reading advice. Every two weeks we propose a review of a book on current economic-financial topics or on topics useful for those who work in the sector.

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)