A community map for Camugnano

Delivery by July 7, 2024

The Municipality of Camugnano in collaboration with Yoda APS has announced a graphic-artistic contest, open to all regardless of age or experience, for represent the “collaborative territory” of the citya real map with places, streets and services made by the inhabitants.

The participants, taking inspiration from the thoughts and reflections of citizens, will animate the selected places and contents on paper. The graphic set will have to give voice to the identity of the territory while also promoting tourism and sustainable development.

The winner, in addition to the map, will create illustrations of the most significant aspects and create a patchwork of images, photos and written texts.

Who can participate and how

the competition is open to artists, graphic designers, graphics or art students, professionals in the creative sector. But also to companies, associations, third sector bodies, informal groups or institutions (schools or universities).

To participate you must fill out the online form and send the graphic-artistic project must be sent in PDF or Ppt format, also including a short text that explains the concept of the project.

What to present

  • Graphic representation of the map with the roads, at least the main ones, space for texts and photos, the three illustrations inside or on the margins of the map itself.
  • Illustration element a: Building
  • Illustration element b: Person
  • Illustration element c. Plant/tree/shrub

The jury will evaluate the proposals by judging theiroriginality, creativity and the ability to represent identity of the community in a clear and understandable way to all.


The winning project will be chosen by the inhabitants of Camugnano through a vote that will take place in July during an ad hoc meeting.

The ranking will be communicated within 30 days of the competition deadline (by August 8th) by telephone and for e-mailcome on websites of the Municipality of Camugnano, of Yoda APS and of the project partners.

The author of the selected proposal will receive a gross compensation of 3,000 euros for the creation of the definitive graphic representation of the community map to be completed by November 15, 2024.

Notice and documentation
[ festivalitaca.net ]

The “Community Map” initiative is part of the Collaborative Village of Camugnano project financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, created by the Municipality of Camugnano in collaboration with Yoda APS, Ca’ Rossa APS Cultural Association, Slow Food Bologna APS, Camugnano Walkers Association , ACER, ENEA, Municipal Pharmacy, S. Clelia Barbieri Foundation – S. Rocco Pensioner, Archè Danza, Cooperativa Eco, IC Castiglione, Parks Authority, Italian Red Cross (CRI), Parish of Camugnano.

The expiry dates displayed are the result of editorial activity. The only official dates are those contained in the text of the announcement and/or on the website of those who organize or promote the competition. Always check its validity with the issuing body.

published on: 06/25/2024

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