Artist lights in Saronno: the first monument will arrive in Piazza Schuster

Artist lights in Saronno: the first monument will arrive in Piazza Schuster
Artist lights in Saronno: the first monument will arrive in Piazza Schuster

SARONNO – “It is a work that speaks and does so at 360 degrees: there is a no to wars which is also a political message. We want to stop the attitude that leads to fighting all wars.”

These are the words of the artist Sergio Nannicola which today, Monday 17 June, presented the preview of the work “No War” which is part of the project Artist lights and in the trend of contemporary art that the city of Saronno is carrying forward.

The work will be inaugurated on Saturday 22 June at 6pm in the presence of the city authorities NO WARS by Sergio Nannicola, a site specific light sculpture designed for the Piazzetta Schuster, as part of the Artist’s Lights project. The installation is just over 2 meters high and is made of corten steel and synthetic glass and anti-spray paint. “It will be lit day and night – they explain – to demonstrate how attention to peace never stops. Furthermore, thanks to the LEDs, consumption is really minimal.”

The project, created thanks to the precious collaboration of Saronno Servizi, aims to enhance some significant city spaces with luminous works of art capable of communicating, through artistic language, values ​​and reflections on the contemporary world. The first experience in this sense concerned the Christmas lighting of Piazza Libertà with the modern reinterpretation of the musical instruments painted on the dome of the Sanctuary by Gaudenzio Ferrari, a work created through an educational project resulting from the agreement with the Brera Academy.

The inauguration of Nannicola’s work, which will be followed next October by the presentation of a second urban intervention designed for Piazza San Francesco by the artist Marco Pellizzola, places attention on a project that links art to the urban context to make it a place of sharing values ​​of peace and hope.

Designed and created by internationally renowned Italian artists such as Sergio Nannicola and Marco Pellizzola, both with long teaching experience at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts and with a constant commitment to public art, the two urban interventions were in fact conceived as sharing messages, linked to the universal value of defending collective harmony. This approach is connected to the social commitment that the authors have consistently carried out in their expressive research for many years, and presents itself as an opportunity to enhance historical places of the city as spaces for free aggregation and contemplation of art as a bearer of stimuli for thought .

“A special thanks – said councilor Succi – goes to our fellow citizen artist Pier Natale Guzzetti, professor at the Brera Academy, who contributed to the conception of the projects and then followed the entire implementation”

“It is an attempt – he concluded in the press conference – to bring the beauty of culture to the city. A project that starts from a message of peace and does so with light which is the opposite of the darkness of war.”

Overall, the two works of the Luci d’Artista project cost 30 thousand, supported by the Technical Administration while Saronno Servizi provided technical support.

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