European elections, former captain Carola Rackete “shocked” by the flop at the polls

European elections, former captain Carola Rackete “shocked” by the flop at the polls
European elections, former captain Carola Rackete “shocked” by the flop at the polls

Right wind in Europe. According to the first exit polls, the right is in the lead. Just think of France, Austria or Germany. “The historic shift to the right, not only in Germany, shocked me.” This was declared by the former captain of Sea Watch 3, Carola Rackete, candidate for the left of Die Linke in the European elections. The electoral flop of her party is serious, but even more significant is the debacle of the social democrats of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s SPD and the Greens.

Read also: European elections, the Belgian prime minister in tears: “Tomorrow I resign”. Victory for conservatives and the right

Behind the centrists of the CDU-CSU, the first party and pillar of the European People’s Party which reached 29.5%, Alternative fur Deutschland triumphed: for the far right of the AfD the votes received were 16.5%, better than the SPD (at 14%) and the Greens at 12%. Rackete’s Die Linke even stands at 2.8 percent. “Melons in Italy, Le Pen. Austria. It’s something that scares me, that sincerely worries me for our future. It’s also something that must make us understand that we need to organize ourselves as a left, we must have structures. It’s not enough to think that it is enough to just take to the streets every now and then for some demonstrations”, added the former captain.

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