Palestine member of the UN, the General Assembly of the UN approves the resolution – News

Palestine member of the UN, the General Assembly of the UN approves the resolution – News
Palestine member of the UN, the General Assembly of the UN approves the resolution – News

The UN General Assembly has passed a resolution recognizing Palestine as qualified to become a full member of the United Nations, and recommending that the Security Council “reconsider the matter favorably.” The green light from the Security Council (where the US vetoed last month) is a necessary condition for any full approval. The text obtained 143 votes in favour, 9 against and 25 abstentions.

Israel, with Palestine you open the UN to modern Nazis – “You have opened the United Nations to modern Nazis.” Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said this before the vote in the General Assembly on the resolution that would recognize Palestine as qualified to become a full member of the international organization. “This day will be remembered in infamy,” he added, speaking of a “Palestinian terrorist state that would be led by the Hitler of our times.” “You are tearing the UN Charter to pieces with your hands,” he said, passing some pages of the document through a paper shredder.

To know more Palestine-member-of-the-UN-the-General-A ANSA Agency The media: ‘Israeli tanks and troops surround the eastern part of Rafah’.
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Italy abstained at the UN on Palestine with Germany and GB – Italy abstained on the UN General Assembly resolution recognizing Palestine as qualified to become a full member of the United Nations. The other abstentions are Albania, Bulgaria, Austria, Canada, Croatia, Fiji, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Marshall Island, Holland, North Macedonia, Moldova, Paraguay, Romania, Vanuatu, Malawi, the Principality of Monaco, Ukraine, Great Britain, Sweden and Switzerland. While the nine countries that voted against are the USA, Israel, Palau, Nauru, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Hungary, Argentina and the Czech Republic.

Palestine at the UN, ‘voting for us is an investment in peace’ – “We want peace and freedom, our flag flies high in Palestine, in the world and even outside the campus of Columbia University in New York. It has become a symbol of those who believe in freedom. You can decide to stand with peace, with the right of a nation to live in freedom, or you can decide to stay on the margins of history.” The Palestinian ambassador to the UN Ryad Mansour said this before the vote in the General Assembly. “Colonization and occupation are not our destiny, they were imposed on us”, he added, underlining that “voting for the existence of Palestine is not against any state, but is an investment in peace”.

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