Poppy in trouble because of Deacon’s new valet? Here’s what’s happening

Poppy in trouble because of Deacon’s new valet? Here’s what’s happening
Poppy in trouble because of Deacon’s new valet? Here’s what’s happening

The Bold and the Beautiful American Spoilers reveal that Poppy’s life could get complicated at any moment and because of Tom, Deacon’s new waiter and the person who helped Sharpe and Finn find Sheila. But what’s happening in the episodes of the Soap, now airing in the United States? Let’s find out.

The vita and the happiness Of Poppy could be in great danger and it’s It’s all Tom’s faultthe man who has helped Deacon and Finn find Sheila and who has become the new waiter – or rather pizza delivery man – of Il Giardino. The two they seem to know each other very well and perhaps the mysterious ex-tramp and ex-singer knows a lot more about Nozawa than one might think. And we also have a theory That would make Bill tremble but also scream with joy Katie and Li.

American Bold and the Beautiful Previews: Who is Tom?

Let’s take a small step back in this story and Let’s explain who Tom is. We mentioned it in our other previews but we didn’t talk about it openly. The man He’s the bum to whom Finn and Deacon asked about Sheila or rather on Sugar and he is the one who showed the two men the abandoned building where they found Carter stunned and dehydrated. In short, Tom is Sheila’s savior e to thankSharpe decided to offer it a job at Il Giardino as a pizza carrier and as a waiter. We know about him, at least for the moment, that in the past he was a musician, also known in Los Angeles, and that, thanks to an alcohol addiction, he lost everything and found himself on the streets. But be careful, the American Spoilers Of Beautiful they are outlining a much more accurate profile and very interesting, as it seems get to know Poppy very well.

Beautiful American Spoilers: Tom and Poppy Meet Each Other!

Tom seemed to have arrived in the plot by chance and without ties to other Bold and the Beautiful characters. But the former bum doesn’t seem destined to be a side dish in the next episodes of the Soap at all. The American Spoilers they revealed to us that Tom knows Poppy very well. and for a long time. The two met at Il Giardino and exchanged very strange glances, almost as if they were afraid that one would discover the other. But the thing that struck the most was that Tom it remained very surprised to know that Luna is Bill’s daughter. In short, there is something wrong with this story and it is certain that Nozawa does not want her relationship with the former homeless man to be known. But why? What happened between the two? Is it possible that in her hippie life Li’s sister met characters like the musician Tom, who later ended up on the streets?

The Bold and the Beautiful American Plots and Spoilers: Is Tom Luna’s Real Father?

Poppy is a free spirit, and for her sister Li, she’s too free. She raised Luna alone and has never revealed who her father was, at least not until now. Luna is officially a Spencerat least according to the DNA test that Li brought to the tycoon’s house but this evidence could turn out to be fake and it certainly wouldn’t be the first time in the plots of Beautiful. To complicate this matter, which has left us perplexed from the beginning and which has alerted Katiejealous and annoyed by Poppy’s behavior – who also kicked out of the house – Tom got into it.

Man, as we have said, he knows Poppy and the two met at Il Giardino. The former musician was surprised to learn that Luna is Bill’s daughter and the American Previews Of Beautiful they reveal to us who we are went to the tycoon’s house to talk face to face with his old acquaintance. So he showed up at the door of the Villa with a pizza in his hand and it immediately became clear that not only do the two know each other very well but that they have been dealing with each other for a long time. And here the alarm goes off! We begin to think that Tom may be Luna’s real father or whatever know who he really is. In short, we have the feeling that Bill was deceived somehow and that Poppy, as Finn’s mother says, is a liar and an exploiter. After all, why lie and pretend you don’t know Tom if he didn’t have something to hide? No one would have judged her old acquaintances, not after the discovery of her magic pills and her past as a flower child. In short, the cat incubates us and we wait for the eggs to hatch!

Beautiful it goes on air Channel 5, from Monday to Saturday at 1.50pm While Sunday to the around 2.15pm.

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