Jeremias Rodriguez, who is Belen and Cecilia’s brother

Jeremias Rodriguez, who is Belen and Cecilia’s brother
Jeremias Rodriguez, who is Belen and Cecilia’s brother

Today, Sunday, June 30, 2024, Cecilia Rodriguez will get married to her fiancé Ignatius Moser: for the occasion let’s find out together who is the brother Jeremias, his best man at the wedding and with whom the influencer, Belen’s sister, seems to have a special relationship. Here’s what we know about the former contestant Big Brother VIP it’s from The Island of the Famousarrived in Italy some time after the sisters Cecilia and Belen.

Jeremias Rodriguez, who is Cecilia and Belen’s brother

Jeremiah Rodriguez was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1988, to Gustavo Rodriguez and Veronica Cozzani and is known for being the brother of the future bride Cecilia and the showgirl Belen. Now it is an influencer whose Instagram account has over 570 thousand followersbut he is also the creator of a new fashion brand dedicated to sportswear, Hinnominatecreated together with the sisters and whose first collection was a huge success, so much so that the online store went haywire in a short time.

In 2017 he participated in the Big Brother VIP together with his younger sister and was much appreciated for his strong temperament and impulsiveness between taking positions and heated arguments (especially with Simona Izzo and Daniele Bossari, with whom he even threatened), but also for his skills as a seducer shown inside the reality show hosted at the time by Ilary Blasi. The man, in fact, began a flirt with the model Carla Cruz, which then ended with the latter leaving the house, the first eliminated of that edition, while Jeremias remained there for a good 64 days.

In 2019, however, he landed at theIsland of the Famous: it was the 14th edition of the reality show and he was eliminated after only 3 episodes, even though on that occasion he had the opportunity to meet the former suitor of Men and women, Soleil Riseswith whom he had a relationship after the broadcast, living with her for several months. The stress resulting from the reality show led Jeremias to lose 19 kilos, but let’s remember, according to what was declared in the past by the person concerned, that when he was a teenager he had line problems: at some point it reached the weight of 115 kilos.

Not just weight, Jeremias had it too alcohol and drug problems and experienced a strong depressionand this is how he told his drama to very true: “I’ve had difficult years, I’m not proud of the life I’ve led in the past. Now I am back without problems, without fear of sinning. In the dark moments, my family and my girlfriend were there for me to deal with things I needed to fix. It was necessary to distance yourself because when you are surrounded by people who love you or try to distract you it is more difficult to focus on the problems“. Then, speaking of depression, he added: “It was a dark period that left me without the clarity necessary to move forward. Hitting rock bottom helped me say enough: I don’t want to live like this. I’m certainly not proud of my past“.

Jeremias Rodriguez: girlfriend Deborah Togni, relationship with Cecilia and Ignazio Moser

After the love story with Soleil Sorge, which lasted a few months, Jeremias began a relationship with Deborah Tognia hostess from Gallarate, in the province of Varese, whose origins are southern. The two started dating in the summer of 2020 and for Jeremias it was love at first sight from the first meeting in a club, a place where he also asked her to take a picture together. The two met again some time after that evening – they had lost track of each other – thanks to the perseverance of the person concerned, who tried to track down the woman even returning to that club the next day. Now they are happier than ever and it shows.

As for the Sister CeciliaJeremias said that their relationship is very special. It is no coincidence, in fact, that the man was chosen as his wedding witness: “Being the witness is an indescribable joy, there is not a day that I do not think of her coming in to get married without crying with emotion, it cannot be explained in words. When I saw Cecilia and Ignazio getting to know each other I could not do anything, even though I am a very protective person. We come from a family where they taught us love, so I could not put myself in front of that situation. What makes them a special couple is that they are super different but they have this thing inside of taking care of each other so much and I think it is one of the most important things in a couple“.


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