Barbara d’Urso angrily replies to Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s statements on the ratings of Pomeriggio 5!

Barbara d’Urso angrily replies to Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s statements on the ratings of Pomeriggio 5!
Barbara d’Urso angrily replies to Pier Silvio Berlusconi’s statements on the ratings of Pomeriggio 5!

Barbara d’Urso responds on Instagram to the statements of Pier Silvio Berlusconi, who rewarded Myrta Merlino and underlined how the Neapolitan substitute achieved better ratings with Pomeriggio 5.

A few hours ago, Pier Silvio Berlusconi took stock of the television year of Mediaset between pass and fail. The CEO spoke about Myrta Merlin and of new hosting of Afternoon 5promoting the presenter and ensuring that the program’s ratings were much higher than when she was at the helm of hosting Barbara d’Urso. Here it comes piqued reply from the presenter Neapolitan on Instagram!

Pier Silvio Berlusconi throws a dig at Barbara d’Urso

The television season is about to end Mediaset and for the Biscione leaders it is time to take stock. The innovations introduced by Pier Silvio Berlusconi did they work? In the press conference in Milan, the CEO wanted to have his say on Afternoon 5 which was the subject of much controversy after the forced passing of the baton from Barbara d’Urso to Myrta Merlino. Although the public expressed dissent for this choice, especially for the treatment inflicted on Barbara, who in the interview given to Mara Venier on Domenica In lei made it clear that she had processed this choice as if it were a trauma, Berlusconi speaks highly of Merlino’s work, even throwing an unexpected dig at d’Urso.

Pier Silvio, after praising Myrta, admitted to don’t miss Barbara at least in terms of ratings, given that Pomeriggio 5 grossed one excellent share in this season. Although she concluded the speech by admitting that she had nothing against the presenter and that she wished her well, it seems that she did not take this comment positively.

Barbara d’Urso thus replies to Pier Silvio Berlusconi

The distance of Barbara d’Urso from continuous television after Mediaset has it torpedoed in favor of Myrta Merlino, about which Pier Silvio Berlusconi said words of praise in the last press conference held in Milan. The jab, however, was entirely reserved for Barbarella who saw herself compared to her substitute in a negative way, since the Mediaset CEO made it clear that Merlino had achieved a better share. And here, right on time, it arrives d’Urso’s reply who wrote in his Ig Stories:

“There are things that really make you laugh.”

In short, Barbara didn’t take the comparison well at all as well as Berlusconi’s statements, despite the fact that he seemed friendly with the presenter at least publicly, and now everyone with popcorn in hand waiting for the next interview with d’Urso who is certainly ready to serve her piping hot coffee.

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