“The Evening was magical. The finalists? May the best win”

The dancer and former student of Emanuel Lo, Sofia Cagnetti, remembers her wonderful experience in the Amici 23 school to the microphones of Comingsoon.it.

A few days after finale of Amici 23we interviewed exclusively Sofia Cagnettithe young dancer of team captained by Lorella Cuccarini and Emanuel Lo. A sweet perfectionist who has shown, from the beginning, great determination: Sofia, in fact, has never been discouraged but has always achieved her goals without the fear of comparing herself with the other students. She enters the famous Canale 5 school strongly supported by Emanuel Lo and, thanks to his talent, he manages to win over the other professors too. His path is full of satisfactions and recognitions. Unfortunately he comes eliminated during the sixth episode of the Evening.

Here’s what the talented dancer revealed Sofia Cagnetti to us of Comingsoon.it: from his beautiful and long experience in the school of Friendswhich allowed her to grow and mature so much, at great friendships born in the house until his neighbors future projects and secret dreams.

You were among the youngest students of the 23rd edition of Amici. What was that experience and what was it like returning to everyday life?

It was an emotionally very strong, impactful experience, full of beautiful and difficult moments. Coming back to reality was nice, I missed all my loved ones. I wouldn’t change anything about my path, perhaps I would try to make the mental switch straight away. When I returned to my family I was happy, then little by little I started to metabolize and I realized all the good things that had happened to me.

What was the best and most difficult moment you experienced at school?

There are many beautiful and funny moments. Surely when we all gathered together in the evening in the house it was one of my favorite moments. It didn’t happen often because we lived together, but everyone always had their own things to do or simply preferred to go to sleep earlier. We laughed, joked together and for me it was beautiful. The night before my last episode we got together and played with Holden, Dustin, Marisol, Sarah, Mida and Petit. We stayed up until 2 in the morning laughing and joking. We had a lot of fun. The most difficult moment, however, is linked to the first part of my journey because I couldn’t manage some situations well. I didn’t have the mastery that I have now, many times I didn’t know how to react. I’ve changed a lot. Today I think I am a more mature and aware person.

There was no shortage of criticism. How did you deal with them?

Celentano didn’t like my faces while I danced, but that never bothered me. It was her thought, but I didn’t think and don’t think so. Her criticisms didn’t affect me much, maybe after a while I got nervous because I always heard the same things. Then at the Evening the teacher spent some nice words on me, I thank her and I am grateful to her for this.

On the one hand the criticisms of teacher Celentano, who then changed her mind, and on the other the compliments of Raimondo Todaro…

Raimondo’s compliments have always given me great pleasure. He never hid his respect for me and I felt this. From the beginning he was very nice to me, I always really liked his way of acting.

Did you expect to leave in the sixth episode?

I was hoping and thinking about going further. That’s how it went, okay. I’ve had my satisfactions, but I know I could have given much more. I wanted to show more about Sofia. The evening was magical, even between us kids the relationship grew even more. We bonded so much. It would have been nice to have that relationship from September.

For the dance category, Dustin and Marisol remain in the competition, who will win?

I don’t want to say it (laughs ed.). May the best man win. I respect both of them a lot, they are very good. In the last period we were always together and therefore our relationship had strengthened a lot. We hoped to reach the final together.

Among all, Sarah was the real revelation of this edition of Amici. Did you expect it to reach the final?

In the final I don’t know, but I definitely expected her to go ahead, but I always told her that too. She stopped herself, then luckily she realized that she had to unblock herself and come out. I have always believed in her, I have never doubted her abilities. She has had a beautiful journey. The first time I saw her I thought “she’s really cool”. I remember one episode in particular when we were all in the hotel, the singers made us hear how they sang and she didn’t want it. She was insecure and stuck. But I knew she would rock. I am very happy for her, but also for the other finalists.

What will you take away from Emanuel Lo’s teachings?

Emanuel helped me a lot. He was always close to me, even in moments when I saw everything black, and advised me on how to best approach the school experience. He encouraged me to give my best, I thank him for believing in me from the first moment.

A beautiful friendship was born with the professional Giulia Stabile. How important was her closeness?

Anyway, we especially bonded at the Evening because we had a lot of pas de deux to prepare and so we were in the room together. It was nice because we helped each other. It was a nice discovery. I’m sure that, even outside the program, we would have found each other the same. Everything we did, we did from the heart and not conditioned by the context. There is a sincere relationship between us. We found each other both humanly and professionally.

Future projects and secret dreams?

I’m going to Los Angeles this summer and I can’t wait. I have a few dates around and then I will continue to study, study and study (laughs ed.). Dance is everything to me, it’s life. It’s part of me. I will tell you about my secret dream when it comes true. It will definitely take me a long time, it’s not a simple thing. I’ll tell you later. I would definitely like to dance for some national and international artist. Return to Amici as a professional? Not now, I want to have lots of experiences and grow first. Like Elena D’Amario and maestro Porcelluzzi, who followed personal growth paths and then returned to school to help others.

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