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the meeting between wine and culture

the meeting between wine and culture
the meeting between wine and culture

CIVIDALE DEL FRIULI – Annalisa Zorzettiga historic winery from Friuli Venezia Giulia, renews its commitment as a patron of the Middle Festival 2024. This prestigious festival, which celebrates Central European culture, will be held from 19 to 28 July Cividale del Friuli. The collaboration once again underlines the producer’s commitment to promoting the art, culture and traditions of her territory through her wines, an expression of the Friulian identity.

Myò Wine Tasting

During the Mittelfest, there will be the opportunity to taste the wines of the line Major by Zorzettig, which pays homage to Friulian vines in their best expression. In particular, these labels will be protagonists during the inauguration of the festival on July 20th in the suggestive city Church of San Francesco in Cividale del Friuli. Each Myò wine is dedicated to an iconic grape variety of Friulian winemaking, offering participants a unique experience of connection between culture and wine.

The Mittelfest: a cultural crossroads

The Mittelfest, born over thirty years ago, is a meeting point between different languages ​​and cultures of the Central European and Balkan area. It involves international artists and an audience of all ages, proposing cultural, theatrical, musical and dance meetings. This year’s theme, which completes the “Chaos trilogy”, is the Disorderunderstood as a set of chaotic elements of recent and less recent history, offering future visions through art.

Annalisa Zorzettig’s interpretation

Annalisa Zorzettig has reflected deeply on the theme of disorder. “This edition made me think about how order and disorder are applicable to every aspect of our lives and how they are inseparable from each other,” explained the producer. “In wine production, order represents experience, common sense and daily commitment in our vineyards, while disorder represents the unpredictability of the environment, climate and society, with all its thousand potentials.”

The excellence of the Friulian territory

Annalisa Zorzettig, with her long tradition in the production of quality wines, represents an excellence of the Friulian territory. This deep connection with her native land allows her to communicate values ​​of conviviality and culturewhich find a strong expression in the Mittelfest. “Being part of the Mittelfest 2024 as a patron is a great honor for us,” he said. “Supporting the Mittelfest means investing in the future of our territory and in the beauty of its artistic expressions.”

A festival of international resonance

Mittelfest promotes intercultural dialogue between numerous countries, including Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Kosovo, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine and many others. This makes the festival an event of great international resonance, capable of making the world aware of the wonderful Friuli and its traditions.

Zorzettig’s story

The history of the Zorzettig winery begins 150 years ago in Spessa di Cividale. Today, under the leadership of Annalisa Zorzettig, the company extends over 120 hectares of vineyards located in the Colli Orientali del Friuli, Ipplis and Prepotto. These unique terroirs, protected by the Alps and influenced by the breeze from the Adriatic Sea, are particularly suited to viticulture. The company’s flagship line, Majorcelebrates the native vines and the biodiversity, history and culture of the Colli Orientali del Friuli.

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