But which petrol and electric? This spaceship travels 2,000 km with just 1 liter

But which petrol and electric? This spaceship travels 2,000 km with just 1 liter
But which petrol and electric? This spaceship travels 2,000 km with just 1 liter

Today we will tell you about a remarkable alternative to electric and petrol, an innovative technology that already terrifies everyone. The details.

The world of four wheels is following a path that goes towards ecological transition, in the maximum search for the limitation of emissions. Up to now, in this sense, manufacturers have focused en masse on electric cars, but the big problem is that there wasn’t the response they could expect from the customers. In fact, the market share of BEVs is very low, not even 4% in Italy, and only in some Northern European countries has there been, to all intents and purposes, a transition, which however is not sufficient to think of changing the market.

Fuel Pump (AdobeStock) – Tuttomotoriweb.it

For the rest, petrol cars continue to be the most popular, but hybrids also do well. In the next lines, we will tell you about a completely revolutionary project, which has proven to have hitherto unexplored potential. The autonomy it can achieve is unthinkable even for the most efficient diesel engine, and deserves to be analyzed in all its details.

Eco-Runner XIII, the revolution is served

A very interesting technology is hydrogen, which for now has not found its place due to very high costs and infrastructural deficiencies. The project we are talking about is the Eco-Runner XIII, the most efficient hydrogen-powered urban car in the world.who took part in the Shell Eco Maraton some time ago, and achieved a result that was nothing short of exceptional.

Eco-Runner XIII in mostra (YouTube) – Tuttomotoriweb.it

Indeed, It has travelled a whopping 2,488 km on a full tank, an impressive figure, especially when compared to the autonomy of most of today’s electric cars, which struggle to exceed the 400 km distance they can travel between one charge and another. The guys from the company were responsible for such an amazing project Delft University of Technologywho have achieved a truly incredible medium.

As has been explained, there has been a massive use of carbon fiber instead of steel, with a total weight of just 71 kg, but what makes the big difference is the aerodynamic coefficient which limits energy losses to the maximum. In this way, everything is optimized and there is the possibility of consuming very little, so as to increase the autonomy. A completely new fuel cell makes the difference, and it takes care of converting the hydrogen. We will see if cars will also adapt in the future.

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