Firefighter training on communicating with deaf people

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06/30/2024 – On Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, the training course was held at the Pesaro Fire Brigade headquarters, organized by the Marche Regional Directorate, aimed at the Fire Brigades of the regional commands on deafness and on deafness techniques. communication with deaf people in case of emergency.

The course, planned as part of the project approved by the Marche Region called “SAIS – Awareness, Accessibility and Independence of Deaf people – Marche 2.0” and financed with funds from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Ministry for Disabilities, was inaugurated in Ancona , in the first edition, by the Regional Director of the Marche Fire Brigade Cristina D’angelo.

During the scheduled meetings, the Fire Brigade learned what deafness is and good practices for communicating with deaf people, they acquired information on how to build effective communication together in emergency situations, notes on sign language Italiana (LIS) and its possible use in emergency situations.

The course was held by Luca Rotondi, a multi-graduate deaf person, an expert in emergency management for deaf people and with long experience of collaboration also with civil protection structures.

The teaching activity, scheduled on several dates, is always carried out simultaneously both in presence at a command in the Marche region and remotely via the audio-video connection to reach the operational staff on duty in other locations in the region.

During the introduction to the second edition of the course, held at the Pesaro Urbino Fire Brigade Headquarters, the Commander, Leonardo Rampino, thanked the teacher and those present, underlined that, when we find ourselves in emergency moments and faced with deaf people, it is essential to understand how to confront and talk to them and he highlighted to the staff the importance of this training in order to be quick and effective in rescue operations.

The vice president of the Provincial Section of ENS of Pesaro Urbino, Marco Falcioni and the councilor Anziana Nicoletta Giorgi, brought greetings from the Provincial President David Guidi Gabrielli and highlighted that ensuring the safety of deaf people in emergency situations, large and small, is a priority for the National Deaf Organization. The Commander emphasized that the notions learned during the training constitute a valid tool, which the firefighters will use, if necessary, to improve the effectiveness and speed of rescue.

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