Mileto, school roof collapses (despite numerous renovations)

Mileto, school roof collapses (despite numerous renovations)
Mileto, school roof collapses (despite numerous renovations)

Roof collapses at Mileto elementary school, which has undergone numerous renovations over the years, Giordano: «Past choices are invalid»

MILETO – Luckily, school is out and the building was not being used, otherwise it could have been a near-miss. In Mileto, in fact, the attic of the Morabito elementary school collapsed almost entirely. In particular, the roof above the atrium of the building that houses the elementary school located in via Nicola Lombardi collapsed. Over the last 15 years, the structure has undergone major and constant renovation and consolidation work. Work that, evidently, does not seem to have really made a building safe, for which perhaps reconstruction would have been more appropriate than renovation.

Mayor Salvatore Fortunato Giordano he immediately took action, going to the site to inspect the situation, after which, together with the relevant municipal offices, he worked to identify the funding channels needed to restore the stairwell and the roof. According to an initial estimate by Giordano, no less than 70 thousand euros will be needed to fix the structure. In any case, for the mayor of Mileto, the interventions will be rapid and will allow, in September, the normal start of school activities.


However, Giordano does not spare controversy, for whom «the collapse at Morabito highlights that the choices of the past to carry out only renovations were not valid. Well, let’s clarify one point. The renovations at the Morabito School are all planned by previous administrations. The Complex underwent maintenance interventions in 2011/2012 by the Municipality of Mileto. In 2015, interventions on the roof were carried out by the same Comprehensive Institute in the Safe Schools project. In 2015, interventions carried out by the Municipality of Mileto were also carried out on the upper floor”. Finally, in 2018 there was “a loan from the Region for a project of the pro tempore administration, always for renovation only for the ground floor only, carried out as planned in 2021/2022”.

Having listed the numerous interventions, Giordano then clarified the reason why it was not possible to foresee the demolition of the building today to carry out its reconstruction. «In these years – specifies Giordano – I was not the mayor. When we asked for PNRR funding for the demolition and reconstruction of the buildings Via

Having said this, the mayor, regarding the collapse, announced «that technical investigations are underway, which in any case reveal at first sight that some previous work on the stairwell attic (where the collapses occurred) were not planned and carried out properly». So after the collapse Giordano carried out an inspection «together with the new Headmaster, and some members of the local Technical Office. I then examined the documentation submitted to the technical office. I urgently called a meeting with the Director of Works 2022 and 2015; School and school and municipal technicians».


In the meantime, Giordano has «given a mandate to the Technical Office to proceed with an immediate executive design, which will allow for the carrying out, after verification, of all the necessary works so that the Complex is made safe and can be used in September. I have given a mandate to the Accounting Office to identify, as already identified, the resources for emergency intervention.”

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