ConTeStoLab wins the “Solidarity Horizons” competition of the “Megamark” foundation

ConTeStoLab wins the “Solidarity Horizons” competition of the “Megamark” foundation
ConTeStoLab wins the “Solidarity Horizons” competition of the “Megamark” foundation

The “Acquatics… gymnastic mind” project presented by the ContestoLab Association of Trani Bisceglie and Ruvo di Puglia is the winner of the 12th edition of “Orizzonti solidali” 2024/25. A recognition that rewards all the efforts that the association made up of over 80 families with autistic children has carried out daily for 10 years.

“We are immensely happy to have won the “Orizzonti solidali” competition promoted by the Megamark foundation and created in collaboration with the A&O, Doc and Famila supermarkets – says Raffaella Caifasso, president of ConTeSto. A satisfaction that I would like to share with all the kids who continue to never give up and who, through valid projects and qualified personnel, manage to make significant progress”. The project combines water motor activities, psychomotor skills and gymnastics in a specific scientific methodology for the rehabilitation of autistic people. The central element is water, which facilitates movement, allows the body to relax and contributes to developing physical well-being.

The kids to whom the project is aimed will be followed not only by the operators of the ConTeStoLab association but also by a responsible behavior analyst and by instructors of the Italian Swimming Federation who are experts in water psychomotor skills and multisystemic therapy in water. A new feature of the project is the presence of a physiotherapist who will take care of the kids’ posture at the poolside. Not only physical activity, but also healthy fun especially in the afternoon hours after school when there is a need to fill free time.

“A special thank you – adds Caifasso – to the Megamark foundation which deemed our project worthy of being financed. In particular to its president, Cavaliere del Lavoro Giovanni Pomarico, who has always believed in the work of the associations and who continues to work hard to make diversity the norm and work the source of social well-being. A far-sighted entrepreneur who avails himself of the collaboration of professionals who are always ready to network, systemate and work in synergy to make the territory grow”.

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