Fire Brigade, call for 350 places: participate like this

Fire Brigade, call for 350 places: participate like this
Fire Brigade, call for 350 places: participate like this

Rich job opportunities offered by the Fire Brigade: 350 jobs have been advertised, here’s how to send your application.

Firefighters, 350 vacancies: here’s how to apply and all the info about it (

There are some jobs which, for various reasons, always exert a great fascination, both on young and older people, due to a whole series of factors, ranging from the importance of the tasks performed up to the social prestige that is recognized for them. Obviously, very often, it is almost always the jobs that make it possible to hit the headlines produce wealth in industrial quantities. In the background, however, we almost always find the more strenuous work, the ones that people tend to prefer not to do. An exception, from this point of view, is certainly the world that gravitates around Fire fighters.

It’s a job that requires you to take into account enormous risks, but at the same time it rewards you with rewards. huge satisfactions. It is one of the few national bodies that always achieves great success, since they advance where, instead, everyone else tends to run away. That is to say when the flames blaze. Now, for those who want to do this job, which has more of an aftertaste of a life purpose, comes an opportunity not to be missed. This is an authentic maxi competition which he puts out to tender 350 jobs. Let’s see more information about it and other access requirements.

Maxi competition for firefighters: 350 places advertised

Maxi Competition for Firefighters, a great opportunity not to be missed: here’s what you need to know (

It is, as mentioned, a godsend for many Italians and, of these, 350 people they will perhaps crown a great dream of theirs, becoming to all intents and purposes part of this prestigious and decorated body. To apply, as a qualification, all you need is a diploma and this increases the number of interested people even further. The competition in question is announced by Ministry of the Interior. While it is true that there are no particular constraints or limits relating to educational qualifications, great attention must be paid to the anagraphic ones.

In fact, in order to take part in this competition, it is necessary to have no more than 26 years old. There are, however, exceptions to take into consideration. Volunteers who are already part of the Fire Brigade, who have been registered for at least one year, or those who have performed military service for no more than three years, can apply up to 37 years old. The competition in question represents a great surprise, especially given that it is the recent competition announced for firefighters.

Firefighter Competition: How to Apply

You will need to send your application through the Fire Department portal, entering with the usual access credentials represented by SPID or CIE. Pay close attention, since this application must be submitted no later than July 20th of the current year. Recently For firefighters, pension rules have also changed.

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