Elon Musk Will Destroy the International Space Station: The Deal With NASA

Neither NASA nor SpaceX have released details of the project, but a significant amount of thrust will be needed to safely guide the station through the atmosphere to the right place at the right time. Controllers will let the ISS’s orbit decay naturally and then command the tug to perform the final deorbit maneuver.

Will be Elon Musk to destroy the International Space Station (ISS). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration awarded SpaceX a contract from 843 million dollars to build the “US Deorbit Vehicle”. The spacecraft will return the research laboratory to Earth’s atmosphere after its retirement in 2030.

“Selecting a U.S. vehicle to de-orbit the International Space Station (ISS) will help NASA and its international partners ensure a safe and responsible transition to low-Earth orbit upon termination of the station’s operations. This decision also supports NASA’s plans for future commercial destinations and enables the continued use of near-Earth space,” he said in a statement. Ken Bowersoxdirector of space operations for the agency.

The history of the International Space Station

The International Space Station circles the Earth every 90 minutes and it is the size of a football field. The first elements of the ISS were launched in 1998, it was created primarily as a manned research laboratory, it has hosted over 3,300 experiments conducted in microgravity.

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“The space station is a unique artifact whose historical value cannot be overestimated. NASA considered this when determining whether any portion of the station could be salvaged for historic preservation or technical analysis,” the agency wrote. The Western partners have agreed to finance the station until 2030. Russia could withdraw in 2028.

Engineers say the lab remains structurally sound, but plans need to be put in place now possible disposal. Without assistance, it would risk falling to Earth out of control.

What will happen to NASA’s ISS?

Neither NASA nor SpaceX have released details of the project. Significant thrust will be needed to safely guide the station into the atmosphere. in the right place at the right time. Controllers will let the ISS’s orbit decay naturally and command the tug to perform the final deorbit maneuver.

The space probes are pointed at a remote location in the Pacific, called Point Nemo, is more than 2,500 km from the nearest piece of land. NASA’s goal is to replace the ISS with private space stations financing the development of US companies through the program Commercial LEO Destinations (CLD).

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