Gas boilers, Europe has decided to stop bonuses from 2025

Europe’s ‘green’ race continues. In fact, the rules regarding the use of anything that turns out to be polluting are becoming increasingly more stringent. And so after the continuous push towards electric cars, in the already rigid directive on green homes (Energy performance of buildings directive n. 1275/2024), published in the European Journal last 8 May and which came into force on 28 May, appears the yet another ‘diktat’ from the EU front also with regards to boilers.

The hard line that emerges is addressed to gas boilers. In order to encourage more and more users to use boilers that work with low-polluting components, the incentives aimed at gas boilers will soon end. The stop will start from January 2025representing yet another ‘roof’ for Italian consumers, who are most affected by delays in adapting to zero Co2 emissions.

Details below.

Boilers: which ones will be incentivized from 2025

No more incentives on boilers if at least 51% of them are not powered by biogas. This would be the restrictive interpretation that seems to prevail when reading the content of the guidelines to the Green Homes Directive. This ruling would appear to be valid starting from 1 January 2025. This is what we learn from the draft guidelines related to the Green Homes Directive. Yet another step therefore towards the declared war on fossil fuels. And although these are only indications that do not bind the member countries in all respects as the directive does, they still have an important weight, giving a precise direction on the direction of Brussels’ policies.

This prediction penalizes countries like Italy, in which, at the moment, looking at the volume of gas transported by the national network, biomethane is a truly minimal share. The long-term goal is to reach a share of 10%, which in any case would be very far from the 51% requested by Brussels. Not to mention that biomethane, in the future, will be used for industrial uses, rather than in the residential sector. Ultimately, the EU objectives are difficult to achieve in such a short time in our country.

The concessions on the purchase of gas boilers expiring by 2024

Until December 31, 2024 it will still be possible to benefit from discounts on the purchase of boilers, including gas boilers. After that date, Italy will probably be forced to review the various bonuses in line with the indications from Brussels.

Among the measures to be enjoyed for a few more months we find the ecobonuswith which a 65% deduction is due as boiler bonus for the purchase and installation of condensing boilers of at least energy class A. To benefit from this tax deduction, it is also necessary to install advanced class V, VI or VII thermoregulation systems.

We then also find the bonuses renovation, who allows you to include the replacement of the boiler in the extraordinary maintenance of the house, with a deduction of 50%. This incentive is valid even if advanced thermoregulation systems are not installed and can be combined with Furniture Bonus.

Finally you can also benefit from the 70% boiler bonus, as part of the Superbonus. This tax break allows you to obtain a 70% deduction for the replacement of the condominium heating system.

Stop gas boilers from 2040

The objective that the EU has set itself is to have zero emission buildings by 2050. By the time this deadline reaches all countries must have succeeded in the work of total decarbonisation, through various ‘steps’ with a set deadline. Specifically, each member state will have to adopt a national plan that provides for the progressive reduction of energy consumption in residential buildings with a cut of 16% by 2030 and 20-22% by 2035. Each country will be able to decide which buildings to focus on, with the constraint of guaranteeing that at least 55% of the reduction in average primary energy consumption is achieved through the renovation of buildings with the worst performance in terms of energy.

Another important date will be then 2040, in which the stop on fossil fuels is set, with the consequent elimination of gas boilers. In any case, this deadline must not be seen in a completely mandatory manner but more as an important objective to be respected, taking into account small margins of delay.

Possible revision of EU forecasts?

The situation described is the situation that awaits us between now and the next few years, with a tight and particularly tough ‘timeline’ for countries like Italy where fossil fuel boilers are still widely used. However, the European elections held at the beginning of June could lead to some rethinking.

This is what the right-wing parties especially hope for, having received broad consensus, they could push for it review some points of the ‘dossier’. However, this will be known by the end of 2024, when the new EU Commission takes office.


A real challenge can be defined asadaptation to the green homes directive of European style. Among the various impositions that Italy will be forced to support, we find the stop to incentives on methane boilers starting from 2025. From 31 December 2024, the various ‘bonuses’ that include the replacement or in any case the installation of a gas boiler will therefore definitively close. From 2025, the Government will have to review the incentives that must in any case include boilers that are half fueled by biogas.

And in the meantime the specter of… definitive stop to gas boilers from 2040although it should not be seen in a totally restrictive manner.

We are waiting to understand whether, when the new EU Commission takes shape, there will be some margin for revision or whether everything will be left as it was established.

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