Gas boilers, EU hard line: incentives for Italy will end by 2025

Incentives for new gas boilers: according to the guidelines of the EU “green houses” directive, they will only be granted if at least 51% renewable fuels (such as biogas) are introduced into the network by 2025. In Italy we are very far away. On the other hand, the concessions for electric heat pumps and mixed systems (heat pump plus gas boiler) will be strengthened.

A rule that was written thinking more about the situation in Northern European countries. And which at the same time exposes all the Italian delays. And it turns into a penalty for families and consumers.

The guidelines just presented by the technicians of the EU Commission for the “green homes” directive provide a crackdown on the overly generous policies of member countries for which changes to a gas boiler.

In practice, incentives for new gas boilers will be prohibited in the chaos where at least 51% renewable fuel is not injected into the networks, as in the case of biogas. This must happen by the end of 2025: which means that it will be practically impossible for Italy to reach the goal.

The reason is very simple. At the moment, the percentages of renewable gas in Italian networks are very low and it is practically impossible for the gap to be filled in the next 18 months.

The percentage of biogas in the networks is very low: it will be impossible to reach the EU objectives

But even if – as seems likely – the new Commission were to review the parameters, lowering the percentage of biogas injected, it would still be challenging to improve the Italian figure. Suffice it to say that in the new version of Pniec (the National Energy and Climate Plan) sets a target of 10% of the total biogas injected into pipes by 2030.

The news was anticipated by The sun 24 hourswhich came into possession of the draft guidelines of the directive Energy performance of building directive. Where it is specified – writes the newspaper controlled by Confindustria – which incentives are taken into consideration: “Contributions for those who purchase, but also for installers, and, obviously, tax breaks”.

They will come instead concessions for electric heat pumps confirmed, which meet the criteria that favor the principle of zero-emission technologies. The same goes for the stax accounts dedicated to hybrid systems, consisting of a heat pump and a gas boiler.

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