Sondrio mourning the death of Andrea Masanti

An earthly existence that lasted too short, cut short at the age of just 48 due to an illness, but “always lived to the full, until the last breath”. With tact and depth, so father Francesco Parentesuperior of the “Santo Spirito” fraternity, retraced the path of life of Andrea Masantiwho passed away two days ago at the end of an ordeal that lasted five years.

Many indeed took part in the funeral of the man from Sondri – known in the city for his commitment in the artistic field, with the “Voglia di mosaico” group he started years ago in the Piastra district and now active in Spazio 42, in Scarpatetti -, including his wife Gabriella, mother Lucia, father Arrigo, sister Giusi and the many relatives and friends who shared a more or less long stretch of road with Andrea.

«Our destiny – added Father Francesco in the homily, who concelebrated the funeral together with Don Christian Bricola, archpriest of Sondrio – it’s life. Death is just a passage. And Andrea testified to this well, even in the suffering of his illness: his faith, robust and clear, was the strongest demonstration of this.”

A creative and wise man, Masanti in recent years has truly lived life as a gift, responding every time with a smile and with the desire to continue walking to the many challenges that have gradually arisen on his path. «His joy of living was striking, always and in any case. But also his ability to enter into relationships with others, with the people he met.”

In recent years, his bond with the “Santo Spirito” fraternity has been profound: precisely in this place of faith and spirituality he created – together with the master Claudio Gobbi and to the students of the mosaic art course – his last, great work of art. That is, the face of Christ, traced starting from a study on the Holy Shroud: inaugurated last autumn, the mosaic embellishes the wall of the vineyard wall in front of the entrance to the Colda convent.

«In the months of work, we have experienced his competence, his closeness and his great attention to others. We always saw him enthusiastic because, in addition to the interest in itself for the realization of the work, he was animated by a profound faith”, added the religious man.

«It is nice to know that within us already lies the key to understanding the meaning of life, that is, the call to eternal life. Andrea had this very clear, his love for him testified to it: loving is a serious thing and is a question of eternity”, to paraphrase that “Omnia vincit amor” chosen by his loved ones for the announcement funeral.

At the end of the homily, the religious chose to address him directly, once again with a non-random reference to the grandiose work completed just a few months ago. «In the Father’s house now run towards his embrace, Andrea. And finally the face of God is definitively revealed to you: that gaze that you have worked on for a long time is now in front of you and welcomes you forever.”

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