Yesterday in Saronno: concierge saves elderly people from fraud. Another serious accident on the motorway. Volleyball Caronno renounces A3. Rabbits in the Municipality

Yesterday in Saronno: concierge saves elderly people from fraud. Another serious accident on the motorway. Volleyball Caronno renounces A3. Rabbits in the Municipality
Yesterday in Saronno: concierge saves elderly people from fraud. Another serious accident on the motorway. Volleyball Caronno renounces A3. Rabbits in the Municipality

SARONNO – Elderly couple “treated” for days to attempt double scam. She saved them there concierge.

Saronno, elderly couple “treated” for days to attempt double scam

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Here we go again: yet another serious road accident at the crossroads between the A9 and A9 motorways. The incident happened today at 4.50pm on the A8 near Origgio west, heading north therefore in the “entry” area for those arriving from the A9 and having just passed the “big bend”. It is a point where the traffic flow is always very high.

Here we go again: yet another serious accident at the A9 and A8 junction of the motorway. Difficult traffic

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The dream which had materialized in recent days with a triumphal march in the Serie B playoffs has now collapsed in the face of the complaint that the sports facilities in the area are too lacking: unable to play on the home field (the ceiling is too low for the rules of the higher category) and to find an alternative in the district, the Rossella Ets Pallavolo Caronno Pertusella has today announced its renunciation of the A3 series it has just won.

Deficient structures: Volleyball Caronno renounces the A3

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Attention to rabbits wild animals in the parking lot of the Saronno Town Hall.

Be careful of wild rabbits in the Saronno Town Hall car park

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(archive photo: firefighters in action on the motorway)


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