Cisl Fp Irpinia-Sannio: urgent discussion to support municipal employees

Ariano Irpino

In the city palace, in the municipality of Ariano Irpino, the CISL Fp Irpinia-Sannio requested an urgent discussion with a formal note, in support of the organisation’s employees.

“Meanwhile, on the morning of 18 June – we read in a note signed by the general secretary Sonia Petrucciani and the representative of the Ariano Irpino municipality Barbara Pratola – during a meeting in which all the employees participated in full, high levels of unease and related dissatisfaction emerged, primarily in relation to the systematic and significant delay in the payment of ancillary emoluments (overtime, on-call, shifts, risk/inconvenience, etc.), relating to the current year and to the 2023 annuity, with the specter of the inevitable end-of-year accumulations which will end up further debasing the coveted compensation.

On this occasion, the reasons for collective dissent ranged from excessive workloads mostly caused by the continuous exodus of staff, both retired and mobile and not sufficiently balanced by additional hiring; the failure to recognize and valorise the professionalism and experience gained by the staff who have been working with diligent responsibility for years at the service of the administrative machine; up to the now consolidated practice of carrying out the supplementary decentralized bargaining procedures only at the end of the year, therefore at the end of the year, with all the problems deriving from and related to the excess of services carried out with respect to the resources placed in the decentralized personnel resources fund.

In this circumstance, the members of the CISL Irpinia-Sannio trade union, although sharing certain critical issues, highlight the opportunity to achieve the objectives in question through a constructive dialogue with the employers with the hope of a mutual sharing of intentions and objectives.

The CISL FP also specifies that the interested interlocutors, including: the mayor Enrico Franza, assisted by the historian, now overriding, general secretary of the body, as well as president of the negotiating delegation, Concettina Romano – have shown themselves to be significantly available regarding the problems indicated with a consequent assumption of commitment to proceed as soon as possible with the opening of a discussion table for the decentralized integrative bargaining relating to the legal part for the three-year period 2024-2026.

Such a commitment will be sufficient to cement the legal foundations necessary for the provision and financing of the various emoluments and reward institutions from which employees will benefit, and which will be useful for the establishment of the Contractable Decentralized Resources Fund.

With a view to programmatic sharing, the proposed operational solutions were also appreciated, which represent only a part of the CISL FP project and which are detailed below in a non-exhaustive but simplifying manner: forecast of salary differentials – development positions for each of the categories of employees – financing with 0.55% of the 2018 salary total – Ria monitoring and quantification – ad personam allowances for terminated staff – implementation of further staff units – horizontal and vertical progressions in derogation with consequent review of the prerequisite policy documents – etc. Lastly, the CISL FP hopes for, and is confident in, calm negotiations and a factual agreement with satisfactory outcomes for all interested parties.”

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