20 year old and 16 month old baby dies


Of Francesca Gallo 23 June 2024

Another fatal road accident on the Palermo-Sciacca road, which cost the lives of a child less than 2 years old and a 20-year-old girl. The tragedy occurred at dawn on Sunday, around 5 in the morning. The car, a Fiat Punto, in which four people were travelling, three girls and a child of just 16 months, lost control for reasons still under investigation and crashed into the guardrail.

A very violent impact which – according to initial findings – would have caused two of the four occupants of the vehicle to be thrown out of the passenger compartment, that is, the girl and the child who were sitting in the front part of the car, literally flying out of the windshield. The rescuers found them like this, not far from the vehicle. There was nothing that could be done for them.

The victims – as reported by Ansa – are Selma El Mouakit, 20 years old, and Abd Rahim Gharsallah, 6 months old, son of one of the other two girls who were traveling on the vehicle: 23 year old Miriam Janale and 21 year old Chiara Irmana, who remained wounds. The two young women are hospitalized in serious conditions at the Civic hospital in Palermo.

The dynamics of the accident will be clarified by the investigations of the Carabinieri who intervened on the spot, but according to the first findings, the woman driving the car would have tested positive for alcohol. According to the tests carried out, her blood alcohol level was higher than the limit permitted by law.

Apparently Selma and Miriam, originally from San Giuseppe Jato, had spent Saturday night in Palermo and were returning home when the accident occurred near Giacalone.

To allow rescue and investigations by the police, the Palermo-Sciacca road remained closed to traffic for several hours following the accident. The Palermo Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation, conducted by the Carabinieri of the Monreale company, to establish with certainty the responsibilities and reconstruct the exact dynamics of the accident.

The road affected by the accident is the so-called “Fondovalle” which crosses the territories between two provinces, that of Agrigento and Trapani and connects to the island capital, which unfortunately is too often the scene of fatal accidents.

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