Car destroyed by fire at the Carisio toll booth on the A4. THE PHOTOS

Car destroyed by fire at the Carisio toll booth on the A4. Luckily the driver was able to pull over and walk away in time.

Car destroyed by fire at the Carisio toll booth on the A4

Firefighters intervened in the early evening of yesterday, Sunday 23 June, for a car that caught fire on the A4 Turin-Milan motorway. It was around 8pm when the Livorno Ferraris teams and the Santhià volunteer team intervened shortly after the Carisio toll booth in the direction of Turin.
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The driver had already left

When the fire brigade teams arrived on site, the driver of the car was already outside and away from the vehicle. Luckily he had managed to realize the danger in time, so he had been able to pull over and save himself.

The firefighters found the car engulfed in flames: the intervention continued until the flames were completely extinguished and the affected area was made safe. Traffic police officers and highway workers also attended the scene.

No one was injured, as mentioned, but the car was completely destroyed by the fire. It was then recovered by a tow truck called by the motorway operators.

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