Casa Nazareth: the music sounds good in the Mensa. A nice solidarity concert yesterday

Casa Nazareth: the music sounds good in the Mensa. A nice solidarity concert yesterday
Casa Nazareth: the music sounds good in the Mensa. A nice solidarity concert yesterday

A Sunday morning at Casa Nazareth for the event with the evocative title “Immensely music” with the duo for piano and soprano voice formed by the pianist Cristina Perego and the singer Francesca Greppi. Two very talented professionals who entertained the many people present with music by Tosti, Mendelsson, Mascagni, Puccini, Strauss and Gastaldon.

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ImMENSAmente music, a concert for Casa Nazareth

At the end of the appreciated concert, a convivial moment with a “reinforced” aperitif prepared by the canteen volunteers who, we remind you, guarantee the service for the people in difficulty in the city of Como every day at lunch and dinner.

Like many other events – organized by the bodies that support the Casa Nazareth project – Sunday’s event was open to all citizens (free entry with donation) with the aim of giving everyone the opportunity to learn about, share and support the solidarity table.
In this regard we remember that at the end of the day they were 775 euros collected.

The large family of Casa Nazareth heartily thanks Cristina Perego and Francesca Greppi for their skill and great sensitivity, the guests, the operators, the volunteers and all the people who have once again shown friendship and closeness to the solidarity canteen project.

You too can support the Casa Nazareth soup kitchen

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