Policlinico di Palermo, uterine tumor removed with technique…

Policlinico di Palermo, uterine tumor removed with technique…
Policlinico di Palermo, uterine tumor removed with technique…

PALERMO – In Palermo, at the Oncology-oriented Obstetrics and Gynecology Operational Unit of the “Paolo Giaccone” Polyclinic, with an innovative operation, performed in very few Italian centers, a benign uterine tumor of over 10 years was removed transvaginally centimeters in diameter. The operation was carried out by professor Antonio Simone Laganà and his team. “The easiest thing that could have been done in the case of a myoma of this size – explains Laganà – would have been a traditional surgery, indicated for uteruses in which numerous large fibroids are present. Thanks to the precious collaboration and availability of our anesthetic and nursing staff, however, we performed the entire operation laparoscopically and removed the myoma with a transvaginal extraction technique in an endobag, performed in a few facilities nationwide. This technique allows us to eliminate the need to resort to the use of the morcellator, a surgical instrument used to remove masses of tissue during laparoscopic operations, with a notable reduction in costs and surgical risks”. The operation, according to the Polyclinic, was a perfect success and the patient was discharged after a few days. “This intervention – underlines the General Director of the Polyclinic, Maria Grazia Furnari – represents an important milestone in our mission to provide cutting-edge and high-quality medical care. The team led by Professor Laganà has demonstrated great competence, guaranteeing excellent results for the patient. Laparoscopic gynecology is an example of the numerous innovations we are focusing on to offer users the best techniques available.” “I express maximum gratitude – adds Laganà – to our instrumental nurse Graziella Cusimano, to all the colleagues with whom I share the operating activity, in particular doctors Giuseppe Vitrano and Vincenzo Minnella, to the Director of the Operating Unit, Professor Renato Venezia, for the possibility of offering such a level of advanced laparoscopic surgery within the National Health System, to the General Director, Doctor Maria Grazia Furnari, and her Staff for the attention she places on the activities of the Maternal and Child Area constantly higher surgical level, with a view to monitoring and continuous improvement, means that even our doctors in specialist training – concludes the gynecologist – can have a path of excellence and gradually develop advanced skills, achieving real and profitable integration between the hospital and the University, and confirming the Polyclinic as the main location for their training”. – photo of the press office of the “Paolo Giaccone” Polyclinic of Palermo, professor Antonio Simone Laganà and the surgical team – . vbo/com 01-Jul-24 15:52

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