Weather forecast Genoa and Liguria week 24 28 June 2024

Sunday 23 June with rain and bad weather, but the uncertain and unstable situation seems destined to continue in the next few days. Let’s find out what the 3bMeteo experts’ forecasts are for the week starting from Monday 24 June 2024.

Liguria weather forecast for Sunday 23 June

In Genoa today very cloudy or overcast skies with rain for the whole day and temperatures between 17 and 25°C. Similar situation in the rest of Liguria. Clearances between afternoon and evening on the coast both to the east and to the west. Afternoon thunderstorms in the interior.

Liguria weather forecast for Monday 24 June

Monday 24 June in Genoa progressively increasing clouds with light rain from the afternoon and temperatures between 19 and 27°C. In the rest of Liguria, to the west on the coast, scattered clouds alternating with timid clearings with a tendency towards a gradual increase in cloudiness up to very cloudy skies with rain and showers, even thunderstorms from the evening; in the east, very cloudy or overcast skies with light rain, intensifying from the evening, even with thunderstorms. In the Alps, very cloudy skies in the morning with light rain, temporarily absorbed in the afternoon. New light rains in the evening; on the Apennines, scattered clouds alternating with clear spells with a tendency towards a gradual increase in cloud cover leading to overcast skies with light rain in the evening.

Liguria weather forecast Tuesday 25 June

On Tuesday in Genoa very cloudy or overcast skies with light rain for the whole day and temperatures between 19 and 26°C. An area of ​​low pressure embraces the Region, resulting in a day of bad weather with rain and showers, especially in the morning on the coast, both to the east and west. In the Alps, very cloudy or overcast skies with light rain for the whole day; on the Apennines very cloudy or overcast skies in the morning with rain and showers, including thunderstorms, easing in the afternoon and with clearing in the evening.

Liguria weather forecast Wednesday 26 June

On Wednesday in Genoa and the East, mostly cloudy skies for the whole day with temperatures between 18 and 24°C. In the rest of Liguria, to the west on the coast and inland, progressively increasing clouds with light rain in the afternoon and clearing in the evening.

Liguria weather forecast for Thursday 27 June

On Thursday in Genoa and the East, mostly clear or slightly cloudy skies for the entire day, with temperatures between the minimum of 20 and the maximum of 25°C. Improvement across the whole of Liguria, to the west on the coast and inland some more clouds and variability in the central part of the day. On the Apennines, scattered clouds alternating with sunny spells throughout the day with a tendency to clearing in the evening.

Liguria weather forecast for Friday 28 June

Still variability with possible rain on Friday 28 June and a situation that could also be similar on Saturday 29. Possible improvement on Sunday 30, but it is a trend, as always it is possible to know something more only towards the middle of the week, when the forecasts may have greater reliability.

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