Lazio, Ballotta: “Immobile’s decision will be crucial for the future”


Lazio: Ballotta analyzes the situation of Immobile and the market

During a participation in “Minuto 71”, broadcast live on ElleRadio, the former Biancoceleste goalkeeper Marco Ballotta expressed his opinions on the situation of Lazio’s goalkeepers and on the recent attacking dynamics, also focusing on the arrival of the new coach Baroni .

Ballotta’s words on Lazio’s goalkeepers

Ballotta praised Mandas, calling him a real asset for Lazio. “He had his chance and proved he was up to it,” he declared. The goalkeeper then highlighted Provedel’s positive performances, stating that despite the ups and downs, both goalkeepers are of a high level, thus offering important security to the team. According to Ballotta, it is advantageous for Lazio to have two quality goalkeepers and the decision to sacrifice one to make room for another player, such as Greenwood, will be up to the club.

The Situation in Attack

Regarding the attack, one of the focal points of his speech was Ciro Immobile. Ballotta underlined the importance of understanding the player’s will, especially considering his advancing age. “Up front, two or three top-level players are necessary, but Immobile must be prepared not to play them all,” he said.

Baroni’s Impact on the Team

Ballotta then touched on the topic of Baroni’s arrival on the bench. Although the goalkeeper did not elaborate too much, he hinted that the new coach will have a key role in deciding the future of the team, both in terms of transfer choices and on-field strategies.

Final Market Valuations

Finally, Ballotta emphasized the importance of evaluating the market. “Evaluating the market will be mandatory,” he concluded, suggesting that decisions on sales or new purchases cannot be avoided and will be decisive for Lazio’s future.

Ultimately, Ballotta’s words provide a clear picture of the challenges and choices that await Lazio, both in goal and in attack, with a careful eye on the market dynamics that could significantly influence the team.

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