Meeting in the town hall between the municipal administration and the Indian communities

Meeting in the town hall between the municipal administration and the Indian communities
Meeting in the town hall between the municipal administration and the Indian communities

The municipal administration of Cisterna received a visit from the representatives of the two Indian communities that live in the area, accompanied by the secretary of the UILA Latina and Frosinone Giorgio Carra.

«It was a very productive meeting which opened with the municipal administration’s embrace of the Indian community, which is still in shock over the inhumanity and barbarity of which Satnam Singh was the victim – said the Deputy Mayor Maria Innamorato – . We have tried to implement concrete actions that will help Satnam’s family and the entire Indian community, a large community that accounts for 70% of agricultural workers in the province of Latina. We have therefore identified the need to open a desk to speed up the processing of administrative procedures and to sign a memorandum of understanding for legal assistance, and above all psychological assistance, at the municipal social service, for processing before the shock and then mourning if Satnam’s family wants to take advantage of it with the help of an intercultural mediator. Furthermore, we will activate a dedicated current account which will be allocated to the family who today also find themselves having lost their economic livelihood. The municipal administration of Cisterna – concludes Innamorato – will participate in the demonstration called tomorrow, Saturday 22 June, by FLAI-CGIL in Piazza della Libertà and in that of Tuesday 25 June organized by the Indian Communities of Lazio».

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