the blue karate on the Carroccio –

What did the European Championships really serve in Pisa’s terms? And why now Forza Italia can no longer stick to Rocca’s freeze. The stop to Council meetings in the Region and the request for cancellation in Frosinone

Wa-ta! As Chen-Bruce Lee in the best movies from when we were kids and Chuck Norris he was a more believable villain than the decoy ranger of his tele old age. Cutting with the second hand the most perfect style of Karate-do. That is, what in martial mysticism “Jap” is called la “street of the empty hand”. Except here, on the double tatami of the Chamber of Deputies and the Lazio Region, the concept of an empty hand takes on a different meaning. The idea is that after the European Championships prairies have opened up for the internal ring between Forza Italia and Legaand neither of the two parties intends to remain there, empty-handed.

Once the counts are exhausted, a prospective scenario that leads directly is drawn, after and beyond Brussels to Pisana and the next municipal elections in Frosinone if Mayor Mastrangeli decides not to get worn out and bring everyone to the polls early. Less likely at the Provincials, where only in theory could we go again without Delrio’s shacklesgiven that the practice is on the table Giorgia Meloni you find pulp of funds monsters in an Italy that must first find 20 billion in cash with which to avoid the European infringement procedure.


Short irons, warnings and effects

Antonio Tajani, Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini. Photo: Livio Anticoli © Imagoeconomica)

The fact is one and it is data that had found maximum significance, as well as at a national level, also in the Province of Latina, where the protagonists were more directly involved. And it’s simple: Antonio Tajani’s Forza Italia and Matteo Salvini’s Lega I’m in irons very short. There were no shortage of signs during the months of the election campaign and today those symptoms have improved.

Let’s start from the Lazio Region. At Pisana they are no longer convening the regional council because Forza Italia has said that if the political issues are not addressed it will not go to the chamber. He wants the Rocca Council to be rebalanced and its votes which have risen to 8 in a year against only 1 left for the League to be respected. And then the municipality of Frosinone: Forza Italia through the advisor Pasquale Cirillo formalized the council’s request for cancellation. Not a reshuffle. Tabula Rasa. Unacceptable for Mastrangeli, a civic mayor but with a Northern League bias. Similar tensions are expected on the frequencies of Latina and Viterbo.

Four trap amendments

Paolo Barelli (Photo: Alessia Mastropietro © Imagoeconomica)

And that’s not all. There is also a storm in Montecitorio, where at this very hour and on the Calderoli bill for differentiated regional autonomy a blue volley had started. About what? Of amendments in the agenda that bear the signature of Paolo Barelli, president of the blue deputies. Then the deputy Raffaele Neviby the president of the Constitutional Affairs commission Nazario Pagano and of Paolo Emilio Russo. At first glance it seems like a hairy little thing, chisel fluff, but that’s not the case. The poker of “so long as” presented by FI is in fact broadside of merit and yes, they were real stakes.

No negotiations with the Regions before the absolute definition of Lep, the essential Performance Levelsthe. Translated: first the map is made and then the troops move. Then technical report on the financial impact to accompany the legislative decrees on agreements. Translated: first the effects are calculated and then the troops are moved. And again: impact analysis of the possible transfer of non-Leb matters to be presented for consideration by the Chambers. Which translated means: no free hand for the Executive, whoever moves troops passes through the divisional General Staff.

And finally: rigorous application of faculty of the Council of Ministers to limit the scope of the matters covered by the agreement. Translated: it is only up to the Army General Staff to slow down advances of troops that are too “Brancaleone-style”. It’s not a small thing, it is the slashing blow of a governing majority party on the back of the neck of another party of the same governing majority presided over by a leader who leads a third majority government party, the one that has the numbers to give the cards.

Shall we reshuffle? Rocca’s “maddeché”.

Francesco Rocca

And Pisana? This is where the strategic verve of someone like comes into play Claudio Fazzone, someone who knows how to move pieces and look for joints and who, not by chance, comes from the services. And this time he plays on the attack with a second “uà-tà”. The theme is the one “freezed” by Francesco Rocca of the reorganization in the Lazio Region. Why a rearrangement? Because the Pisana Council left the polls it no longer coincides with what the Pisana Council has become in the meantimethat is, a blue fort.

Thanks to a monstrous recruitment campaign that the Pontine senator and regional coordinator had implemented in recent months. He had done it by vampirizing even the Five Stars movementwith the five-star councilors Roberta Della Casa and Marco Colarossi which in August 2023 had moved to blue pasture. And then with the League, that is, with the enemy “inside”. Angelo Tripodi and Pino Cangemi they had come down from the Carroccio and had joined Forza Italia, with the second, president of the Regional Council who, 10 days before the European Championships, had also dragged the mayors into the League of Fiumicino and Morlupo.

New balances and old photos

(Photo: Saverio De Giglio © Imagoeconomica)

The Forza Italia group therefore became the owners of 7 councilors against 1 from the Northern League. And where is the problem? In the fact that both parties have indicated 2 councilors each. At that point, and under insistent pressure Rocca had nothing left to do but “count himself”. Both for the internal dynamics of the “Brothers” and to stem a signing campaign that saw him skeptical and which put him in the difficult position of the coach who keeps the talents on the bench. He had done so by pointing his personal triplet with FdI at the European Championships, where the third name was that of its manager Civita Di Russo.

Which totaled 20,908 preferences and which in the Province of Frosinone he got only a thousand votes less than Marco Squartathe third indicated by Massimo Ruspandini and Daniele Maura. Attention: Di Russo was born in Formia, she is from Pontine, and her role as a woman to stop the reshuffle of Pontine Fazzone was clear from the start.

At this point an entirely Italian and Lazio scenario opens up, a key to understanding the European Championships which as always refers more to internal strategies and power relations than to the real need to place skilled people in a supranational context in Brussels.

The encore role of Abbruzzese and Chiusaroli

Mario Abbruzzese

For example, applications take on an additional role from Cassina Mario Abbruzzese for the carroccio and Rossella Chiusaroli for Forza Italia. The former not only tried to do it in purity, but also bet on a strong result to secure the administration of his top man. That is, that Pasquale Ciacciarelli whose department in Pisana looks like a raft surrounded by (blue) sharks.

And the second, who is the provincial manager of Fi, aimed for a result between excellent and excellent to launch herself, and with Fazzone pulling the trigger, a takeover bid in a reshuffle key.

Quadrini and the blue board

Maybe together with a Gianluca Quadrini who, however, would have managed the purchasing campaign of the administrators on behalf of FI in a slightly too “hippie” manner. Of course it wasn’t him who used the triplet Tajani – De Meo – Chiusaroli randomly, the analysis of the vote conducted last night in Frosinone during the Provincial directorate certified the electoral correctness of the President of the Provincial Council. However, he was reproached for not respecting the hierarchical line.

There triplet was respected throughout the province of Frosinone except in Cassino and the Cassinate area: Cervaro, San Vittore del Lazio, Sant’Elia Fiumerapido, Sant’Apollinare and more. This is said by the Force lens that examined the wrinkles of an ambiguous vote, strong and weak at the same time.

All with a double tatami on which third and second are fighting each other “kyu”, between green belt and blue belt. And without forgetting that in politics there are also shots below the belt.

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