Thelma & Louise, Geena Davis against a remake: “What would be the purpose?” | Cinema

Thelma & Louise, Geena Davis against a remake: “What would be the purpose?” | Cinema
Thelma & Louise, Geena Davis against a remake: “What would be the purpose?” | Cinema

In a new interview for IndieWire, Geena Davis, the face of Thelma in Thelma & Louise – Ridley Scott’s 1991 cult film with Susan Sarandon and Brad Pitt – explained why it would be absurd to remake such a film.

Davis stated without hesitation that the only reason to revisit such iconic projects would be to improve the original product, and this is not the case with films like Thelma & Louise which stand the test of time very well and, after 30 years, have aged very well:

It should never be done again. Come on, it’s been 30 years and it stands the test of time much better than others, and I’m not saying that because I’m in the film.

There’s really no reason to revisit that story. What would be the purpose? The only motivation, at least in my opinion, would be to make something better. I’m the first to support remaking failed projects to give them a second chance, that would be great.

But thank God no one ever thought of doing it again Casablanca or other films like that, at least for now! And I’m really grateful for that, it wouldn’t make sense and I wouldn’t be thrilled about it, not at all.

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