Letters 2.0: “Cosenza – Tragedy came close to tragedy last night due to the collapse of an abandoned warehouse”

Letters 2.0: “Cosenza – Tragedy came close to tragedy last night due to the collapse of an abandoned warehouse”
Letters 2.0: “Cosenza – Tragedy came close to tragedy last night due to the collapse of an abandoned warehouse”

These are the words received this night from our reader:

Good evening, I am writing to you as a resident of via Bottego in Cosenza. Since March 3rd we have been living in this terrible situation of abandonment. Almost 4 months have now passed since another part of this warehouse collapsed.

A previous collapse had already occurred years ago. Well, the Fire Brigade and municipal police moved to provide temporary safety, this on March 3rd. After that, nothing! Initially placed barriers on via del Tigrai and on via Bottego. Closed for months at the mercy of events without ever being able to see an order from anyone! Really crazy!

Then suddenly the genius, last week, of closing part of via del Tigrai, a road adjacent to the former Hotel Centrale, with barriers fixed to the ground, worsening the situation of abandonment and inexplicably reopening the road on via Bottego, removing the barriers that once early morning in a hurry they suddenly disappeared, loaded by the truck of a company that works for the municipality of Cosenza.

So we come to today, June 19th at 11.30pm: a new collapse while people were passing by on the reopened road, via Bottego, again coming close to tragedy, with large concrete boulders collapsed once again in the center of the road on which people can now park freely , with the approval of the Fire Brigade, Municipal Police and Municipality.

Is it normal that in 2024 unsafe private properties can be left in this way with condescension on the part of a municipality that should instead act and urge their demolition and safety?

All this not in a distant suburb, but in the living room of Cosenza, between Corso Mazzini and the elusive Wellbeing park, whose access roads, coming from Via 24 Maggio, are now famous for all these unpleasant situations.

From the video shared with Mr. D’Ippolito, you can see that the Fire Brigade and the Carabinieri intervened again. We residents feel ridiculed and totally abandoned by an administration which is seriously indifferent to hundreds of reports.

What do you expect to resolve and demolish? Do you expect someone to get seriously hurt? And if the private individual is unable to demolish, why doesn’t the municipality immediately carry out the damaging demolition in order to protect everyone?

Please share this outburst of mine so that everyone knows about a situation that has gripped us for too long now.

Thank you. – A citizen who respects the law and pays taxes in this municipality!

Here is the video mentioned in the text: Facebook

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