Gold medal for the Blue Roller in the National Figure Skating Championship in Bologna –

Gold medal for the Blue Roller in the National Figure Skating Championship in Bologna –
Gold medal for the Blue Roller in the National Figure Skating Championship in Bologna –

The. is underway these days in Bologna and Calderara di Reno (BO). UISP National Figure Skating Championship 2024. The event, taking place from 8th to 23rd June, sees hundreds of athletes from all over Italy engaged in the various specialties of figure skating: Free, Compulsory, Couple and Solo Dance.

There Blue Rollerlike every year, does not miss the opportunity to exploit this stage to allow its athletes to measure themselves with the reality present outside the regional borders, evaluate their state of preparation and enrich it thanks to healthy competition on the track.

Three Blues present this year representing the Asti club, accompanied on the track by the Technician Federico Trento:

– for the Compulsory Specialty, debuting in a National level competition, Olivia Mari Cantelli she showed up at the Pala Pilastro in Bologna determined to defend not only the colors of the Club but also the double regional title won this year. With two precise and technically high-level performances, the second evaluated with the third best score in the category, Olivia achieved a very respectable fifth final position;

– for the Solo Dance specialty they competed, almost simultaneously on the two side-by-side tracks of the Pederzini Sports Center in Calderara di Reno, Federica Sigliano And Andrea Municipality.

Federicanot yet at the best of her preparation, among the forty athletes from all over Italy, after the two scheduled performances, she settled in seventeenth final position, however satisfied with the test in view of the next Italian Federation Championships scheduled in Piancavallo from 15 to 23 July.

The great satisfaction comes from the young woman Andrea Municipalityan athlete already trained in the compulsory and free specialties who this year, thanks to the foresight of the Blue Roller Technicians, has decided to also approach the Solo Dance specialty, immediately demonstrating, within the regional borders, her aptitude, winning the title of Provincial Champion, the double title of Vice Regional Champion in compulsory dances and the title of UISP Free Dance Regional Champion.

Andrewwithout any fear despite the little experience accumulated at a national level, she comes close to reaching the final in the compulsory dances by gaining the thirteenth final position in a batch of thirty-three athletes and, without losing concentration, she performs with determination an elegant and smears, conquering with great merit the title of National Champion in the Dance Spring Plus category.

The Blue Roller then returns home from the trip to Emilia with a gold that repays not only the athlete for the effort incurred but also the Technicians for their dedication and the entire Blue Roller for the efforts made in promoting and keeping alive the territory a very fascinating sporting reality such as artistic roller skating.

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