18 million euros fly

PORDENONE/UDINE – Regional annuity, how much it costs us. Yes, because if you add up the figures of the monthly allowances of the former councilors and councilors of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, you realize that it continues to rise every year. Partly due to revaluations due to the cost of living, partly due to the ruling of the Court of Cassation which overturned the “cut” in allowances and imposed the repayment of the amounts. The data emerge from the report of councilor Simone Polesello who conducted the 2023 closing budget report of revenues and expenses of the regional council and the forecast budget for the current year. Let’s see, then, in detail the actual courses of retired councilors and those who are currently in office and who receive the large monthly salary that comes from political office.

In 2023, revenues were ascertained, net of transfers, of 21 million 560 thousand euros, mainly consisting of transfers to the Council of the funds allocated in the regional budget for the organization and functioning of the Council itself. In practice, the body does not generate its own revenue and therefore to maintain the level of services, the payment of allowances and annuities must be financially supported by the general budget. In detail, of the 21 million or so that were paid into the Council’s coffers, 350 thousand euros were allocated to the provision fund for the disbursement of the end-of-term indemnity. Furthermore, the 2023 allocations to Co.re.com arranged by the State and Agcom, for a total of 116,794 thousand euros, were included in the Council’s budget. Finally, also among the revenues to be recorded is a cash fund as of January 1st of the financial year amounting to 5 million 214 thousand euros. Money that was left over from the previous year.

The items linked to the expenses of the regional council’s budget are decidedly more interesting. The total expenditure committed, net of revolving items, was 24 million 119 thousand euros, we are still talking about last year, 2023. In detail, the main item concerns spending on institutional, general and management services which in simple terms means the quantification of the expenditure for institutional bodies used above all for the payment of the fees due to the councilors in office. Well, to pay for the compensation to the 40 councilors of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region were spent last year 6 million 241 thousand euros. A figure which, despite being decidedly high, by virtue of the reduction in the number of councilors and the provisions on compensation introduced by the regional law of August 2013, the expense for the compensation of councilors in office has remained almost unchanged since 2014, remaining, as sees from the amount disbursed, well under 6 million 500 thousand euros, that it was considered, however, the quota not to be exceeded.

For former councilors who left the “circuit” before the regional law which abolished the annuity by introducing, also for regional councilors, part of the pension rules, the payment of the overall allowance is 8 million 189 thousand euros, a figure which, as mentioned, rises year after year due to compliance with Istat. In particular for 2023, given that inflation was particularly heavy, the annuity of former councilors was updated with an increase of 6.8 percent, a figure that has no comparison with any of the public or private salaries and even less with pension adjustments. . Then there are one million and 330 thousand euros which went to the councilors who completed their mandate last year and were not re-elected as reinstatement benefits. Finally, just under 3 million were included in the free surplus to be returned to the former councilors who had sued for the cut of the “retirement” allowance.


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