Missaglia, Equiclub Valcurone wins the Italian horseball championship and returns to Serie A

Missaglia, Equiclub Valcurone wins the Italian horseball championship and returns to Serie A
Missaglia, Equiclub Valcurone wins the Italian horseball championship and returns to Serie A

On the highest roof in Italy. At the 23 Quarter Horses in Incisa Scapaccino, in the province of Asti, home of the national horseball finals, there is a jubilation for the Equiclub Valcurone of Lomaniga.

Missaglia, a success that starts from afar

The team from Missaglia achieved the prestigious title of national champion of Serie B, thus sanctioning its return to Serie A. An important result, not easy on the eve and which bears the signature of Fabio Monti, coach together with his brother and team leader Enrico Monti in riding Blu Rose, Alice Volontè on Cronos, Salvatore Visone with Sweet Beauty and Luca Pellegrini with El Chavo (Tania Ucci absent in the last Asti stage but permanently in the club’s ranks). The Italian title in the mixed senior championship was awarded at the end of the double match, between Saturday and Sunday, with La Saluzzese.

The dedication to dad Dede

A new page of history remains, written with a sweet thought that warms the heart. “We dedicate this victory to our father Dede who is no longer here”. The one who gave his life for horses and horseball. A passion passed down from father to children and which knows no end.

The complete service awaits you on newsstands from tomorrow, Tuesday 18 June, on newsstands in the Giornale di Merate

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